BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The Finals of the World Cup Tournaments causes a turmoil of emotions within our members. Let’s delve into the perspectives of Saarina, Sad Dinosaur, Kero, Mel, Pumpkin and Kimo as they share their insights on the finals!
Let’s look at the different perspectives of the members in the Army of Club Penguin– ranging from moderators to veterans to our active troop members! Even though they share different feelings, they all have a common motive to win the tournament.
Read more to find out what each one of them think about the tournament.: On this Week: What does the World Cup Tournament Mean to you?
What does the World Cup tournament mean to you?
Saarina: It means everything to me, for me, it is a promise of the future of ACP. The sense of community, brotherhood/sisterhood, we’re all working together and harder than ever to achieve victory, and whether we win or not isn’t the thing that matters, it’s what we gained along the journey. sometimes it’s not the destination that brings the most satisfaction, but the effort and dedication we put in that lead to success in the end!!
Sad Dinosaur: it means destroying egcp
Mel: I think that for me it could have meant many things, the “power” of the army, teamwork, it was also fun and exciting..
Kero: I’m newer, so I feel like it means less sentimentally to me than it does for the others who have been here longer. To me, it kind of feels just like our other tournaments. We just have to go out and do our best, and hopefully our effort will show in our results.
✨🎤🐛 mimi’s roxy c:✨
Pumpkin: to me its a competition to see which army performs the best ig
Kimo: It means a LOT to me and we MUST win the tournament
Tournaments surely bring mixed emotions, how did you feel about the first 3 rounds of the tournament?
Saarina: I felt great about them! We pulled through and managed to emerge victorious, which was definitely a brilliant conclusion to each respective round! it was such a pleasure to participate in the rounds with my fellow acp penguins 🙂 . I feel an immense amount of respect for our opponents too, who were brilliant to compete against, it was a complete blessing to be able to have such an experience !!
Sad Dinosaur: well the winged huskasians and swat were easy so i wasnt worried… but when i saw help force… i was like… “i hope someone loses here” but we won anyway. some acp staff also tricked me into thinking that swat was really big
Mel: I think it was also fun and exciting, and its quite surprising that we were able to win many battles
Kero: It was fun! With each round I took part in, I was constantly improving and gaining a better understanding of things.
Pumpkin: going into the first round, i was very confident that we would win and crush the opposing army and we did same for round 2. for round 3 however, i was a bit more nervous since i knew HF wasnt going to be an easy enemy and we would need to focus and concentrate on our form, tactics, and speed.
Kimo: very good
The World Cup Finals is approaching closer and closer, How do you feel about the Finals?
Saarina: I’m feeling quite pumped for them! We’ve been putting in a lot of practice and dedication and i’m confident we’ll perform well in the finals. for one thing, it’s amazing we were able to do so amazingly, that fact in and of itself showcases how hard we’ve been working and hopefully we’ll be able to reap the rewards of that during the finals 🙂 even if we dont emerge victorious, i’m satisfied with all we’ve achieved and i have much love for everyone involved in the organisation of the world cup simply because it’s such a beautiful experience and a blessing to be able to participate
Sad Dinosaur: i feel like it might be an acp win. acprf is recruiting people from like anime and hazbin hotel servers, theres a lot of break day activities to increase hype. meanwhile egcp is like… being basic or something…
Mel: I think I’m very happy and motivated about this
Kero: I look forward to bringing the trophy home.(:
Pumpkin: At first i was scared, but as the days pass and it get closer and closer my fear disappears. I know ACP is not going down that easy and we’ll be doing everything we can to make sure we bring home a trophy!! 🏆
Kimo: Nervous and excited at the same time
What’s your prediction of the battle score for the finals? [W-T-L]
Saarina: well, i’m not entirely sure because i’d be quite obviously biased in acp’s favour, but i believe we can achieve a W or mayhaps a tie :> this tournament is definitely very important and i think that fact will encourage many troups that may not even regularly log on to decide to participate which could tip things further in our favour. but if previous performance is anything to go on, i think we have a good chance of winning this war! but of course, we’re battling against very worthy opponents so this is no small thing…we’re going to have to put a lot of effort in and be on our best game 😀
Sad Dinosaur: T-T-T-ACP W in overtime room
Mell: I don’t know if I could, but I wish the bestt
kero: L-W-W or T-L-W-W, but who knows
Pumpkin: I predict it’ll be overtime with 2-1-1.
Kimo: 2-0-1 Acp wins
How do you think the finals will pass? Would it be a tough battle?
Saarina: I think it definitely will be tough, acp will meet it’s match to an extent, we’re going to have to really fight hard to emerge victorious. but that would be likewise for our opponents, too. after all, these are the finals, and to reach them is to mean that you’re the two best competitors. so of course, yes, it will be difficult. but im confident that acp can rise above and achieve success 🙂
Sad dinosaur: ya i think itll be close
Mel: Yes, I think so, it’s the finals, it’s probable that the armys will do the best
Kero: I think it’ll be tough regardless of attendee numbers. Both teams had to put in an effort to be here, and both are going to be trying their hardest in this battle.
Pumpkin: Definitely, its a test to see everything we’ve learnt from battles so far.
Kimo: Yes
Thank you so much for taking part in this interview, would you like to add anything?
Saarina: no, not anything in particular! thank you for having me 🙂
Sad Dinosaur: shoutout to angeldav943
Mel: No, I’m fine, tysm!
Kero: best of luck to everyone! and acp on top <3
Pumpkin: Thank you so much!! GL TO ACP thats all. ❤️❤️
Kimo: No
It seems that everyone, regardless of their position is looking forward to securing the first place in the Finals! But who knows who will win the tournament? Which army will end up bagging the trophy?
What do YOU think? Which comrade knows the other better? Let us know in the comment section down below!
ACP Field Marshal & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

ACP General & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, On This Week, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, clover defenders, clover penguins, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, interview, Noa, On This Week, Shamrock Bulletin |
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