[RESULTS] Annual Koloway Awards – First Edition

BLIZZARD, Koloways Awards Inc. Studio – The winners of the most recent, and first, annual Koloway Awards have been finally revealed. Over 180 nominations (which you can check here), 19 awards, and only one winner for each. Without any more delay, here are the winners:

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ACP Presents: The Koloway Awards

BLIZZARD, Koloways Awards Inc. Studio – Welcome ACP to the first edition of many for the Koloway Awards, a brand new annual award brought to you by the entertainment network of the Army of Club Penguin! The year 2024 has certainly been one of the history books as we’ve all lived through many iconic moments and events that definitely shaped up the legacy and future of the army as a whole.

We’re here to celebrate and recognize all those with outstanding achievements and honorary status who brought us all the joy and entertainment we’ve all witnessed. Before we’re ready to wave goodbye to this year and say hello to 2025, it for sure wouldn’t have been possible without key individuals who made it special for everyone all around. So without further ado, here are your nominated moments and individuals.

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