[UK] Overjoyed Trick or Treat Trials Medal Ceremony

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Operation: ToT Medal Ceremony– Good morning ACP! On Saturday, November 4th our, UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a chaotic but exciting medal ceremony that EVERYONE was looking forward to! Everyone was excited with their medals because it was a sign of our happiness, joy, and victory. Our medals represent highs and lows. This was one of our highs. We maxed 31 with every single troop active and gaining their medals. Thank you to Zoomey, Austinfraud, and Coolguy for awesome leadership and always being funny. This was one of our cleanest Medal Ceremonies YET! We love to see the enthusiasm and ACP spirit in our troops!

A true memory between ACP!

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[UK] Clovers Collect Summer Survival War Medals

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “EGCP War Medal Ceremony”– Good afternoon ACP! On Saturday, September 9th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a ceremony of rewarding a medal to our troops that attended the war against EGCP that happened last month. We met in Town, before getting in Dojo, where everyone got their medal awarded. We maxed a total of 25 penguins online. Huge shoutout to everyone that attended, and congratulations to those that got a medal.

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[UK] Legends Cup Medal Ceremony

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Legends Cup Medal Ceremony” – Good evening ACP! On Saturday, September 2nd, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a medal ceremony celebrating our troops contributions after the end of the Legends Cup where we were crowned champions! We managed to gather up a maximum size of 25 troops for this event before we went to the Dojo where the triumvirate awarded the medals to all the troops, staff, and Higher Commanders. Everyone had lots of fun as we celebrate once again our win in the Legends Cup breaking the curse, and pointing to the next tournaments this year which are the Fight or Fright and Christmas Chaos!

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[UK] Clovers Receive Recognition for WW9 with Medals!

BATTLEGROUND, “World War 9: Medal Ceremony”– Good morning ACP! On Saturday, June 24th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for an event to recognize all our hardworking and loyal troops who aided us in our efforts of World War 9 through a medal ceremony! All troops who attended 2 or more battles for World War 9 received the World War IX Medal! Huge shoutout to Rarity & AOL on helping distribute the medals.

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