History and Legacy: Coolguy Retires From ACP Leadership

Before we get into what, why, who, how and when, I want to take you on a journey. A lot of people know Coolguy but what they don’t know is Coolguy’s journey and that is something that people will never truly understand. While this may be the telling of a story, context is always required and that is something that cannot always be provided but stay with me reading this as we go on the journey from past to present.

The statement of this post is that Coolguy, ACP’s 50th Commander in Chief has retired from ACP’s leadership.

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[AUSIA] War on Elite Guardians: ACP Invades their Territory

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[UK] Roman Induction of Coolguy & Austin!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “50TH COMMANDER IN CHIEF INDUCTION” – Good evening ACP! On Friday, July 23rd our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for the official introduction of our newest commanders & leaders, AustinFraud & Coolguy, both skilled and respected members of the community for a while. As such we suited up in togas to pay homage to the Romans and commemorate the formation of our second Triumvirate! Furthermore we sported golden wings as well as a golden soccer ball which are item variants specifically selected from Austin and Coolguy’s uniforms.

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