[US] Clovers Taking Over Delhi Belly

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

ABRACADABRA, Operation: Delhi Belly Invasion – Good evening ACP! Today, Thursday, October 17, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Abracadabra for an invasion of Project Conquest: Blood Bowl tournament against our brother ally Help Force. Unfortunately, they didn’t show up at the battle, but it’s okay, as hopefully, they will show up next time for a good fight. During our first room (Forest), we successfully did a lot of tactics and formations such as X formation, double V formation, and trident formation. After 10 minutes passed, we switched to the second room which was the Stadium and during that particular room, we did tactics and formations such as 4 line formation, anchor formation & arrow formation which was successful. Luckily, we managed to invade the land of Abracadabra thanks to every ACP troop who attended, big shoutout. Make sure to check out the event pictures below!

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