Live, Laugh, Love: Mads

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Blizzard, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The Army of Club Penguin has one of the most prevalent communities in armies. Within that community, ACP has a large amount of LGBTQ+ members with their own journies and experiences yet to be told. In this article, we will ask a member to share their own story and experiences outside of CPA.

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Private chats with BigBonny2013

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to Private Chats, the column where we speak with soldiers within the Army of Club Penguin to find out more about them. This time we’ll be getting to know a bit more about Bigbonny2013.

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Private Chats With Tater

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ Welcome to the Shamrock Bulletin column, Private Chats! In this series, we’ll be interviewing some of our lower-ranking members to see what’s going on in their often-overlooked world.

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Road From Recruit: BlossomBel

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In this edition of Road From Recruit, we talk to BlossomBel and explore their time in ACP from the start of their journey to where they are today.

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What Does The Legends Cup Mean To YOU?

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – The Legends Cup is already underway and we have already seen some armies battle it out for a place in the Quarterfinals. Our journey in the Legends Cup is less than one week away but what does the Legends Cup mean to ACP’s members?

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[Veteran Edition] Private Chats with Pandito

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Welcome back to Private Chats. Usually, in this column, we would talk to members within the army to find out about their time in ACP and to find out more about them. However, for this special edition of Private Chats, we’ll be talking to Pandito, Army of Club Penguin Veteran, to find out more about him!

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In The Shoes of WV Leader in Training, Mogi4

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Blizzard, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The same day World War IX started, Water Vikings promoted all their Leaders in Training to the role of Leader. Today we will be looking into the story of the Leader in Training, Mogi4.

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From Troop of The Month to ACP Hcom: AOL

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Welcome to today’s post. For this post, we will be talking to AOLInstantMessenger to delve into his history within the Army of Club Penguin while also asking him questions about his journey, goals, and determination.

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Advice From One Leader to Another

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – As the current leader of the ACP, I have been reflecting on my leadership and seeking ways to improve. In this post, I reached out to past leaders of the army to get their opinions and insights regarding my leadership and how I can become a better leader. It is always important to seek advice and learn from those who have come before us, which is why I am excited to share the thoughts of these experienced leaders with YOU!

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Private Chats With Issa

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to Private Chats, the column where we speak with the Army of CP’ member ranking soldiers. Continue reading