Joint UK event with AR

Important Posts to Read:

UK Event on Breeze

Awesome Winter Igloos #2

Berry Smoothie

Welcome New Recruits!


Greetings, ACP! Earlier on, today, we had a UK joint event with our brother allies, AR,  where we maxed 11; I wasn’t able to get anymore than two pictures from this event so if you took any pictures from today’s event, make sure to message them to me so I can put them on this post.  Carry on reading for pictures of the event and make sure to comment if you attended.

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Events for the Week[November 20th-26th]

events for the week

Today’s Events

❗ UK Practice Battle vs. ??? ❗

When: 25th November

Server: Breeze



❗ US Joint Event with ??? ❗

When: November 25th

Server: Breeze




❗ UK Training & Game Night ❗

When: 26th November

Server: Breeze


9:00 pm GMT

5:00  pm EST

4:00 pm CST

3:00 pm MST

2:00 pm PST


❗ US Training & Game Night ❗

When: November 26th

Server: Breeze


9 pm EST

8 pm CST

7 pm MST

6 pm PST


Seal [Unofficial]

Veterans Day / Remembrance Day


On this November 11th, 2016, we remember and respect all the fallen soldiers who gave their lives and those who are currently placing their lives on the line to protect their country, its people, and what it stands for. We owe a great deal to these brave soldiers, because without them, we would not be here today. Continue reading

UK is victorious over food

Greetings, ACP.  Today, we had a fantastic practice battle with Nachos where we maxed sixteen and I say fantastic because of the efforts made by the troops of the UK division also because this is the first PB that the UK divison has won in a while – once more thank you to everyone who put the effort in for this practice battle. Carry on reading for pictures provided by I and Snow. 

Average: 19

3rd march uk 6

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Events for the week 15th February – 21st February

events for the week

Today’s Events

 ❗ UK Recruiting Session + U-Lead ❗

When: 15th February

Server: TBA


7:30 PM GMT

2:30 PM EST

1:30 PM CST

12:30 PM MST

11:30 pm PST


US Recruiting Session

Server: Snow Angel / Flurry

Goal 20+

8:00 PM EST

7:00 PM CST

6:00 PM MST

5:00 PM PST


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UK Recruiting on Flurry

Greetings, ACP. Today, the UK division logged onto Flurry for a quick recruiting session, we maxed 22 – great work UK! Carry on reading for pictures provided by I and Bam. 

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