Hello everyone,

Since the ranks have gotten a bit messy and less condensed compared to a few months ago, I think now is the perfect time for another ACTIVE COUNT. As usual, if you do not comment on this post, you will be REMOVED from the ranks page and will lose your rank. This active count expires on the 22ndof October. This will allow us to cleanse the ranks of any names that are not in ACP anymore and refresh the contents of the page.

The form can be found below:



Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10:

What you plan to improve on:



[US]Clover Defenders Public Recruiting Session–CP Army

Important Posts to Read:


Today we logged on CP for what would be another very successful day of recruiting. Once again, at this event, we livened up the berg from a completely dead room to an extremely active celebration. For a few instances, the new recruits actually ended up leading tactics by themselves. They even wanted to form a circle around the berg towards the end of the event. We maxed an impressive 25 and had even better tactics than last time!

Read onward for the pictures!

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CP Army Events for the Week 3rd October – 9th October 2016

❗ Today’s Events ❗

❗ UK Halloween Mining Operation ❗

When: 6th October 2016

Server: To Be Announced


8:30 pm GMT

3:30 pm EST

2:30 pm CST

1:30 pm MST

12:30 pm PST


❗ [US]Halloween Mining Operation ❗

When: 6th October 2016

Server: TBA


8:30 pm EST

7:30 pm CST

6:30 pm MST

5:30 pm PST

1:30 am GMT


❗ UK Mining Expedition ❗

When: 7th October 2016

Server: To Be Announced


8:30 pm GMT

3:30 pm EST

2:30 pm CST

1:30 pm MST

12:30 pm PST


:!: [US]Halloween Mining/Hangout Party ❗

When: 7th October 2016

Server: TBA


8:30 pm EST

7:30 pm CST

6:30 pm MST

5:30 pm PST

1:30 am GMT






UK Unscheduled Tactic Session –CP Army

Important Posts to Read:

September Promotions

Edwin appreciation day

Poll of the Week #2


Greetings, ACP. For the last UK event of the 10th Anniversary celebrations we went on Breeze and had a tactic session which was followed by hide and seek. We maxed fourteen in this event with some decent tactics. Thank you to all retired and current troops who’ve spent time on chat this week along with those who logged on Club Penguin for the 10th Anniversary celebrations.

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Poll of the week #2/10 Year Trivia #6


Day 6! We have reached the finish line!

The rules are simple so pay close attention and do good.  The first three people to answer the question correctly will be given 3, 2, or 1 point(s) respectively. The person with the most points at the end of the competition will get temp owner and 40 xats, second price will get temp mod and 20 xats, finally third prize will get just 10 xats. Read all that? Good now time for the question!


After 5 long years and 6 months as ACP leader lord Sidie decided that it was time for his odyssey to conclude. Sidie left the army with an amazing legacy he NEVER returned. Sidie had to face much hardship during his leadership such as the infamous Trader multi logging scandal. What division was Sidie leader of and what day did he retire?

Now time for the poll of the week! Last week we determined that Edwin was the most popular owner by twice as much of the second most popular (big surprise), this week to honor the coming of October I am going to ask a distinctly Halloweeny question. What is your favourite monster? Vote in the poll below.


Thank you for your time -Chuck Falay (temp 3ic)

[AUSIA]Clover Defenders Recruiting Session results –CP Army

Important Posts to Read:

September Promotions

Happy Birthday ACP

We’ve created history again

Wishing ACP a Happy Birthday from AR

Ten Years of ACP; Rolling in the double digits


Greetings, ACP. Earlier on today, the AUSIA division had an unscheduled recruiting session on Blizzard, Berg where we carved the pumpkin with some rouges. We managed to max thirteen, carry on reading for pictures. Make sure to check site later on for the times of the AUSIA reunion tomorrow for the 10th anniversary!

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September Promotions!

Salutations everyone!

With the beginning of the school year and the fluctuations in the community, it’s been a really interesting month. We went both ways on the Top Ten and different things happened as the days went on. Most notably, we started our ACP family reunion in alignment with the time of the 10th anniversary of ACP’s birthday! 

Despite the sudden drops in activity here and there, we pulled through with true might. At the reunion/birthday party, we had almost 30 on chat the whole day and at the peak about 5 messages per second on chat. It was a truly incredible day, just as it was 10 years ago. Collectively, I think this month was a HUGE success. Now that we are out of the first month of school, most people have adjusted, and thus it should be a much smoother rest of the season.

♣  ♣  And now, I present to you, the SEPTEMBER 2016 PROMOTIONS!  ♣  ♣

sep prom Continue reading

Ten Years of ACP; Rolling in the Double Digits

Important Posts to Read:

Salutations everyone,

It humbles me to finally be writing this post on this very important day in Club Penguin Army history. It’s almost unreal that ACP is still here after a whole decade. Oagalthorp created the ACP in 2006, and 10 years later we are here together celebrating this day where hard work and worthy perseverance is strongly remembered. After all that’s happened, we still fought our way through and ended up paving the way for other armies and other aspirations to follow in our wake.

Image result for army of club penguin Continue reading

We’ve created history again

Important Posts to Read (well for this post anyway):

10 Years of Leaders #Oagalthorp

10 Years of Leaders #Fort57

10 Years of Leaders #Dr Nono Jr and Rapidy

10 Years of Leaders #Kg007

10 Years of Leaders #Shaboomboom

10 Years of Leaders #Boomer 20

Image result for 10th birthday

Greetings, ACP.  Ten years ago, a guy called Oagalthorp created the Army of Club Penguin. Ten years later, we’re still here in this community despite numerous attempts to remove us from this community as well as challenges that we’ve over come together in the history of this army. Legends and their stories have begun here with people like  Oagalthorp, Boomer, Mchappy, Flipper, Kenneth and Flipmoo leaving their mark in ACP’s history and an even bigger one  CPA’s history.

“This is the Army of Club Penguin. It’s not just an army in Club Penguin” Oagalthrop


“The past is over and the future doesn’t exist yet. Do what you can while you can do it, and you’ll be set for the future you create.”Oagalthorp

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Ten Year Trivia #3


Day 3 takes the lead

The rules are simple so pay close attention and do good.  The first three people to answer the question correctly will be given 3, 2, or 1 point(s) respectively. The person with the most points at the end of the competition will get temp owner and 40 xats, second price will get temp mod and 20 xats, finally third prize will get just 10 xats. Read all that? Good now time for the question!

World War V is a very important war in ACP history. Here we fought the mighty Night Warriors and the Nachos. During the most important battle we maxed over 100 troops online. What is the name of this battle and who was leader at the time?

Leader Board:

I just realized it is impossible for me to make these things a day early and do a leader board… oops.