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[US]Clover Defenders Public Recruiting Session–CP Army

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Today we logged on CP for what would be another very successful day of recruiting. Once again, at this event, we livened up the berg from a completely dead room to an extremely active celebration. For a few instances, the new recruits actually ended up leading tactics by themselves. They even wanted to form a circle around the berg towards the end of the event. We maxed an impressive 25 and had even better tactics than last time!

Read onward for the pictures!

25+ accounted for here.

Awesome J tactic. This is the aforementioned circle the recruits wanted to make also.

Another 25+ pic

We should be proud of our continuous efforts. Embrace this chance, and others in the future, and we will all rise with the army. Keep working hard, comrades!


*Note: This marks my 95th post on the ACP site!*

5 Responses

  1. First, booyah! :mrgreen:

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