[UK] Froggy Fight vs. Help Force – Results!

Hey, ACP! Today our UK division logged onto CPRewritten for a frog themed battle against our allies, the Help Force! This battle involved an assortment of ribbiting tactics and unique formation practice.

Max: 52

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[AUSIA] Mission: Clover Heist – Results!

Hey ACP!

Today our AUSIA division logged onto Ascent, CPRewritten to participate in a sneaky Clover Heist! We started off by creating some amusing formations and chanting tactics. After that, we ran around the island to steal some valued goods. Thank you to our Temporary Commander in Chiefs, Cubster and Max, for leading this great robbery! Huge shoutout to Pandito and Nyoooooom for being our Hide and Seek champions!

Max: 35
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[US] TROOP-U LEAD & Sanya’s Birthday!

[AUSIA] Shamrock sQUACKdown Results!

Howdy ACP!
Today we logged on to Club Penguin for a quacktastic event, the Shamrock sQUACKdown. We did tactics, we checked out the cool medieval rooms, but most importantly, we had fun! Don’t forget to react in #event-chat if you came and also #events if you can come to the next one. 

Max: 41

Thank you for all the pictures <3

ACP General // Third in Command

CPR Guide: Winter Party Ice Sculptures!

Hey ACP!

With the end of November and the start of the final month of 2019, we enter into the last couple of days of the CPR Winter Party. Be sure to get your free Snowflake T-Shirt from the Plaza!

Below, I’ll share the sculptures currently on Club Penguin Rewritten (in case you don’t get a chance to see them on the island for yourself).

Starting at the Docks, the first ice sculptures are below:

Next, we have the ice sculptures currently at the Beach:

Ice sculptures at the Ski Village:

And finally, we have the last ice sculpture at the Ski Hill:

And that’s it! Well, those were pretty neat, am I right? I’d love to see more!

The Club Penguin Rewritten Team did a great job turning these fan submissions into ice sculptures, didn’t they? I’ve really enjoyed seeing these around the island and seeing the community make its mark. Well done to everyone that submitted and congratulations to the penguins whose drawings were selected to be on the island!

Share your thoughts about the party below or on the ACP discord server! I’d like to see a similar event in the future, maybe for the summer season. What do you think will be the next party to have fan submissions?

Enjoy the final few days of the party, and get ready for the annually awaited CPR Christmas Party!

Immer Fortschreiten,
(Always Forward)

King Mondo
ACP Legend & Advisor

[UK] ‘Operation: Umbrella’ Results

CPR Guide: The GOLD Viking Helmet!

Hey ACP!

As you may have noticed, there’s a new play at the stage on Club Penguin Rewritten. The Haunting of the Viking Opera is back, along with Hector the Director, Helga, Inspector Bailey, the Glowing Ghost, Viking extras, and the Yellow Puffle of course!

But did you know there’s a secret item in the Costume Trunk catalog? The secret item is…
*drum roll*

The GOLD Viking Helmet!

To find the item, follow these steps:

     1. Head to the Stage & open the catalog
     2. Turn to Helga’s page (page 2)
     3. Click on the helmet above the “g” in “Viking” to reveal the Red Viking Helmet

         4. Close the hidden item card and open it 3 more times for the Blue Viking Helmet

         5. Once the Blue helmet shows up, click on Helga’s Viking helmet to reveal the special         super-duper secret Gold Viking Helmet!

    I hope you found this helpful! I don’t know about you, but I quite enjoy looking for these secret items and making these guides for you all to enjoy. If you’ve enjoyed, be sure to let me know below in the comments or on the Discord server!

    (March on)

    King Mondo
    ACP Legend & Advisor

    CPR New Pin & Winter Catalog Guide

    Greetings ACP!

    The Winter Party arrived on CP Rewritten, and with it, a brand new pin and Winter Sports catalog, along with some other new surprises! Are you ready to get this party started?!

    Be sure to get connected with the Army of Club Penguin if you haven’t already by checking out our DISCORD server! There, you’ll be able to chat with everyone in the ACP and easily view all of our CPR guides.

    For new pin, head to the Ski Village and walk to the sign on the left side of the room (indicated below):
    Also new to the island, of course, is the November edition of the Snow and Sports catalog! On the first page, click on the green penguin spectator for the GREEN Hockey Jersey:

    On the following page, click the lime green penguin to find the Green Goalie Gear:

    On page 3, you can find the White Pom-Poms by click on the word “ICE”:

    I don’t know about you, but I think the Winter Party is pretty cool with all the fan-made creations around the island. Be sure to check them all out! You can find the ice sculptures in the:
    • Dock
    • Beach
    • Ski Village
    • Ski Hill
    And lastly, don’t forget to grab your very own Snowflake T-Shirt from the Plaza! Let me know how you like the party on the Discord server (or below in the comments)! ;D
    King Mondo
    ACP Legend & Advisor

    US Recruiting Session


    Today we logged on for a considerably short recruiting session on CP. We maxed 21 and averaged around 15-16. The people seemed to be very attracted and many decided to join in. The event was shorter today since a lot of people are busy with school on this fine Wednesday. If you do have so much homework that you can’t log on at all, then make sure you make it up in recruiting or something else. Talk to an owner about it for more information. If you have homework, be sure to get it done before or after the event so you can be ready for the next one. Overall, not a bad event, but we can do better. Since the event was short, we weren’t able to take many pictures.  Read on for the rest of the post!

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    Club Penguin Cheat: Cave Maze 2015

    Greetings ACP,

    Breeze, ACP Cheats HQ- Today I will show you a great cheat to get pass though it, The maze as all of you remember, it is like based on PSA Mission #6: Mysterious Tremors. I’m sure you noticed the driller from the past which cause earthquakes around Club Penguin used by Herbert to dig underground. Actually, if you’re in mind of using the way easier this is the shortcut. Continue reading