[UK] History Made With First Special Artillery Regiment Event

ASCENT, SAR Training Grounds – Today our UK division logged onto Ascent for the inauguration of the Special Artillery Regiment, the newest regiment of the D.R.A.C.P that places focus on progressive battle and warfare concepts. With the help of our new friend Timothée, we performed exceptionally. I can’t wait to put into practice our hard work this Wednesday at 4pm EST against the Water Vikings.


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CPR Advent Calendar 2019

 Season’s Greetings ACP 

Wanna know what’s more exciting than Christmas? The countdown till Christmas! CPR has made it even merrier by giving us a present from 14th till 25th in its Advent Calendar, you can find it in the forest. New items unlock at 12am PST.

Here is a list of all the items currently available, this list will be updated daily till 25th:

 14th December 

Note: You can get up to 99 rugs 

 15th December 
 16th December 
 17th December 
 18th December 
 19th December 
 20th December 

 21st December 

 22nd December 

 23rd December 

 24th December 

 25th December 

Note: Those who already had the gingerbread house from the previous party won’t be able to claim it again

 ❆ Bonus Reminder 

There’s a mystery present in the Better Igloos catalogue that can be unwrapped on 25th, after all, the only thing I love more than a sale is free stuff.

Edit: The mystery present has been revealed:

Its a free Make and Bake kitchen! You can pick up up to 99 of these.

Holiday Party 2019 Guide

Hello ACP 

I’m here to spread the joy with the Holiday Party guide! The holiday party last from Dec.19 to Jan. 2

 Read on to find out everything you need to know about this party:

❅ Background and Pin:

Go to the bottom left of your screen in the plaza to get the Holiday Stocking pin.

There are more merry pins available on the island in the Advent Calendar.

Go to the book room (above coffee shop) and click on the camera to get the Santa Seat background.

❅ Hornament

There are free reindeer antlers in the ski village, go grab yours now!

Beware of fleas navidad!

❅ Sleighing it

Go to the Santa’s Workshop (Go up the stairs at the Nightclub) to go for a sleigh ride! 

Distribute 15 Presents to get Santa’s Present Bag, distributing presents along with 10 other penguins completes a task, tasks will be explained more later on in this post.

Note: You won’t get the present bag if you already have it but you can still play the minigame.

Honorary mention: Rickey Tickey for cracking me up

❅ For Goodness Bakes!

The bakery is now open and it brings two free items with it! Click the oven on the top right to get the Deluxe Gingerbread House:

Before starting to bake, make sure you grab the bakery apron from the top left, wear just the apron and press D for a special action!

To bake cookies, you need to stand on each tray and then throw a snowball at the target when it appears:

❅ Rockhopper’s secret treasure

Even though Rockhopper is mysteriously absent, migrator has reached the beach along with its catalogue and a secret. Click the “s” in “items” to get the Map Area Rug:

❅ A gift that keeps on giving 

I’m sure you must have noticed the little present icon on the top right of your screen, clicking it brings you to this screen:

I swear I have donated coins this is just an alt pls don’t comment about this
  1. Community Goals

    Complete community goals by donating money to reap the rewards! All community goals have been reached, good job!

  2. Checklist

    To help the community raise money for CFC, completing the tasks in the checklist gives you rewards! The tasks on it right now are:

    – Ice Skating: Pretty easy, walk with your puffle at the ice rink to complete this task
    – Donate 10,000: Donate 10,000 to CFC for a reward and a stamp
    – Deliver presents: Go to the sleigh ride on a 4-5 bar server and deliver presents on the sleigh      with 10 other penguins
    – Christmas Spirit: Dance on the iceberg with several penguins to grow the tree
    – Bakery: Bake cookies, this task will be available on 24th December when the bakery opens


  3. Coins for Change

    The team has a certain amount of money set aside, the way the money is distributed among charities is determined by the percentage of virtual coins in each category. 

    Credits to Charlie#9284 CPR Discord moderator for this explanation.


    Donate coins to get stamps!

    You can get the Volunteer stamp and CFC 2019 pin by donating coins:

    You also get coins for donating 5k and 10k coins

❅ New Emoticons!

Last but not the least, CPR has added some emoticons in the spirit of Christmas and CFC, don’t forget to check them out!


Make sure you have collected all the items from the holiday party, check off everything you have:

Wreath Background
Stocking Pin
Reindeer Antlers
Santa’s Present Bag
Community Goal Rewards (All goals are unlocked now)
 Complete Checklist and get the coins
CFC stamp
CFC pin
Advent Calendar items (All items are available now)
Mystery gift in igloo catalogue (Make and Bake kitchen)

Bakery Items (Apron and Igloo)

Thank you for reading this guide, we hope it helped, stay tuned for more guides!
Click here to learn more about the Advent Calendar.

CPR Guide: Winter Party Ice Sculptures!

Hey ACP!

With the end of November and the start of the final month of 2019, we enter into the last couple of days of the CPR Winter Party. Be sure to get your free Snowflake T-Shirt from the Plaza!

Below, I’ll share the sculptures currently on Club Penguin Rewritten (in case you don’t get a chance to see them on the island for yourself).

Starting at the Docks, the first ice sculptures are below:

Next, we have the ice sculptures currently at the Beach:

Ice sculptures at the Ski Village:

And finally, we have the last ice sculpture at the Ski Hill:

And that’s it! Well, those were pretty neat, am I right? I’d love to see more!

The Club Penguin Rewritten Team did a great job turning these fan submissions into ice sculptures, didn’t they? I’ve really enjoyed seeing these around the island and seeing the community make its mark. Well done to everyone that submitted and congratulations to the penguins whose drawings were selected to be on the island!

Share your thoughts about the party below or on the ACP discord server! I’d like to see a similar event in the future, maybe for the summer season. What do you think will be the next party to have fan submissions?

Enjoy the final few days of the party, and get ready for the annually awaited CPR Christmas Party!

Immer Fortschreiten,
(Always Forward)

King Mondo
ACP Legend & Advisor