Army of Club Penguin’s 17th Anniversary

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Capital Yet another year of memories has been made within ACP. Therefore the Army of Club Penguin would like to announce our 17th Anniversary celebrations!

On September 29th, 2006 a new era for Club Penguin was created with years worth of history and memories to follow. The original ACP creator, Oagalthorp, announced the creation of the Army of Club Penguin on this date on Miniclip forums to protect people from Club Penguin item and coin hacks. 17 years later, years of memories have been forged for thousands of people, new history is being made every day and a community beyond any other has been built. This week marks a special week for us as we aim to celebrate the past, present and future of ACP!

This week holds gravity because not only does this mark the day ACP was created, but it also marks the day the army community we know and love today was also born. Oagalthorp’s creation of ACP is a very important milestone for the entire community and will continue to hold an important place in history.

Read on below for our upcoming planned events throughout the week.


Tuesday, 26th September 10am EST
Echo vs Alpha: The Battle of Leaders and Legends

Wednesday, 27th September 9am EST
Boomer20’s Master Class of XAT

Friday, 29th September 3pm EST
Army of Club Penguin’s 17th Anniversary Celebration Event

Saturday, 30th September 3pm EST
D.R.A.C.P. Flag Reveal

Sunday, 1st October 3pm EST
Calgocubs21’s Retirement Event


Best ACP-themed Igloo Competition

Best ACP-themed Emote Submission


Happy Birthday ACP! – Community Post

During the week, there will be competitions, huge announcements and entertaining break day events! Make sure to visit our discord to get all the latest details and updates.

We hope to see you during our incredible week of fun-filled activities to mark yet another amazing year of the legendary ACP! Let’s keep the legacy going for many years to come. Happy anniversary ACP!

Happy Birthday Week ACP! What are YOU most looking forward to?


ACP General

One Response

  1. […] celebrate and honor their legacy of the past, present, and future, the army held a week-long of fun activities ranging from events to competitions and community submissions. They started off with a division […]

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