Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
Welcome back to ‘On This Day’, the column where we go back in time and revisit a specific date in a previous year. This time, we’ll be revisiting June 29th, 2014. Let’s see what went on in 2014! Perhaps it is similar to what’s happening this year?
Surprisingly, 2014 was 9 years ago! For many of the veterans in the community, including myself, it seems like a lot less. Despite that, not even I could remember all the things that happened in 2014 so let’s dive into what happened on this day in 2014.
Well, to start with, June 29th was the end of the week. At the end of a week, the Top Ten often follows, both in the past and in the present. The Top Ten for this week had some surprises in it, but, as with every Top Ten, there were many mainstays within it. The Dark Warriors topped the Top Ten with a max of 60 during their events. One of the surprises came in the 2nd position as the Golden Troops, surprisingly, were able to clinch the second spot with maxes of 19-31. This was 29 troops less than what the Warriors were able to max, showing the big gap between them.
Despite the big gap between them, the point total didn’t show the substantial size gap. In fact, DW had 78 points with Golden Troops at 75.75, this assumedly shows a big difference in Top Ten calculations in comparison to today. Another shock was that the Ice Warriors clinched 5th position, however, this wasn’t the only shocking thing. Despite maxing 40+ in one of their events they still were unable to clinch any higher. This may have been because they maxed 16 in another one of their events, failing to obtain their sizes, however, it still remains a shock.
Of course, there are other mainstays and surprises in the Top Ten, however, the Top Ten wasn’t the only thing that happened on June 29. In June there were questions about whether or not the Purple Republic was a real army or if they were just a group raiding other armies. In the past, they were a botting group that raided tournaments. However, they wanted to make a genuine start as an army, it seemed, in 2014. It was because they wanted to be a real army that Bluesockawa1 allowed them to be ranked on the Top Tens. Despite this, they continued to raid armies the following day as they raided a practice battle held by the Ice Warriors and Light Troops. Whilst this wasn’t the conventional way of holding a practice battle, they were noticed as an army with potential despite being known as a raid army.
Throughout the week ending on June 29th, there were many invasions and on the 29th, there was a review of all the battles that took place, stating the results of each battle. There were 8 armies battling during this week,
Light Troops vs. Underground Mafias Army
Doritos of Club Penguin vs Special Weapons And Tactics
Pirates vs Rebel Penguin Federation
Dark Warriors vs Army of Club Penguin
Between Sunday, June 22nd, and Saturday, June 28th there were approximately 21 battles. Recently, we saw a world war break out so we know how many battles can happen in a war, however, these armies were determined to win. Despite this, the battles became one-sided, real quickly. UMA won 7/7 of their battles versus the Light Troops. Rebel Penguin Federation also won a majority of their battles, 8/9, drawing 1 battle. SWAT won 4/4 of their battles versus the Doritos and to end it off, DW and ACP tied 1 single battle.
The battles seemed to be one-sided in every instance with 1 side always remaining unbeaten. However, was this truly the case? I dug up an old picture of the battle of Deep Snow from during the RPF/Pirates war and both armies’ sizes were low. This led to the battle becoming more about tactics, alertness, and being able to counter well. However, during the event, the Rebels were outnumbered by Pirates and this cost them the win in many battles.

When looking at SWAT vs Doritos, this time, there was a one-sided battle with SWAT reigning victorious due to the Doritos not showing up. The one-sided battles continued with the Mafias army and following the onslaught of the Light Troops, were declared as the winners of the war after 17 days of battling. This wasn’t the full story as the Light Troops stopped showing up to fight after June 21st, however, in an attempt to get UMA disqualified they forged pictures of WGFV confirming that UMA multilogged. However, these pictures were found out to be fake soon after with Club Penguin Army Central officially making a statement on it, deeming it as fake. Therefore, with UMA capturing all of the Light Troops’ servers, they were deemed the winners of the war.
Despite all the no-shows and controversy surrounding the war, it shows that the army community was in a tough spot but the spirit of armies was still alive with armies willing to fight it out in battles and war. Even though some armies didn’t show up, it still held an impact on the community and on the armies that did show up. However, even despite the war, UMA and SWAT were placed in the bottom half of the Top Ten, with Pirates nowhere to be seen. This shows that despite all of their efforts and victories, they still couldn’t capitalized on one of the most important things in armies, the Top Ten. The Dark Warriors were a powerhouse, during that week, that was too big to overcome despite them only having one war battle against ACP which ended with a draw.
Did the armies do the right thing by continuing show invade despite the no-shows? Did they neglect the Top Ten in their attempt to wipe their opponents off the map? Or maybe they exhausted their forces by having numerous battles throughout the week with armies that let DW and GT capitalize?
What do YOU think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!
ACP Field Marshal & Shamrock Bulletin Editor
Filed under: Army of CP, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: 2014, ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Austin, AustinFraud, Bluesockawa1, Calgo, Calgocubs21, clover defenders, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army Central, Coolguy, cpac, Dark Warriors, DCP, Deep Snow, Doritos of Club Penguin, DW, GOLDEN TROOPS, GT, Ice Warriors, IW, June 2014, June 29th, Light Troops, lt, On this day, Pirates, Purple Republic, Rebel Penguin Federation, RPF, SB, Shamrock Bulletin, Special Weapons and Tactics, SWAT, Top Ten, UMA, Underground Mafias Army, War, WGFV, World War |
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