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[UK] Roman Induction of Coolguy & Austin!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “50TH COMMANDER IN CHIEF INDUCTION” – Good evening ACP! On Friday, July 23rd our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for the official introduction of our newest commanders & leaders, AustinFraud & Coolguy, both skilled and respected members of the community for a while. As such we suited up in togas to pay homage to the Romans and commemorate the formation of our second Triumvirate! Furthermore we sported golden wings as well as a golden soccer ball which are item variants specifically selected from Austin and Coolguy’s uniforms.

Max Size: Size 30

Max Size Picture:

We first logged on Town to warm up for the huge occasion with a mass amount of troops. As we made our way to the Forest, our newest leaders were able to flawlessly lead the event through with a couple of tactics and nice formations. We then made a circle formation with AustinFraud and Coolguy being in the middle to give out their speech. At the end we marched up the top of the Ski Hill. We were able to max a total of 30 troops online to celebrate the latest set of leaders that will lead and guide ACP to further heights.

Event Tactics Pictures:

Room 1: Town

Room 2: Forest

Room 2 Continued: Induction & Speeches

Room 3: Ski Hill

We’re all super excited to see what the new leaders AustinFraud and Coolguy have in store for ACP!

Special shoutout to our loyal troops who attended:

  • This will be added once Calgo catches up on the attendance logs

If I missed your name, please message me so I can update the list.

Thank you all for attending today’s UK event! Can’t wait to see you at our next event soon.

March on troops!


ACP Major General

One Response

  1. […] the war was officially over and everything had been dealt with, the army finally held the Roman induction of AustinFraud and Coolguy on CPABattleground after they were inducted into the leadership on May […]

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