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Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War On Dark Vikings: AUSIA Blitz”– Good afternoon ACP! Today on Friday, April 15, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in BATTLEGROUND for yet another Dark Vikings no sho- wait. Hang on just a second. I’m getting word they actually attended this battle! Congratulations Dark Vikings! Shaking in our boots, we logged on and met up at the Town, then swiftly moved to the Stadium for room one to start the battle. The battle concluded with the judges ruling our battle a 2-0-1 Victory with 23 troops online!

Max Size: 23

Max Size Picture:

Event Tactics Pictures:

Room 1: Stadium

Room 2: Docks

Room 3: Snow Forts

Judge’s Ruling: ACP Victory [2-0-1]

Thank you Chicc, Da Best, and Scorp, once again, for judging our invasion!

Special shoutout to our loyal troops who attended:

  • Calgo will update once he finishes attendance logs

If I missed your name, please message me so I can update the list.

Thank you all for attending today’s AUSIA event! Can’t wait to see you at our next event.

March on troops!


ACP Brigadier General

2 Responses


  2. […] [AUSIA] Wait… THEY ACTUALLY SHOWED UP?! April 15, 2023 […]

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