Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Clover Charity Fundraiser– Good evening ACP! On Sunday, January 20th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground on the server Battleground for a charity event where donated money to charity for every penguin that logged on! We started off in the Stadium doing tactics and managing to hit sizes of 35 which meant the money earned was doubled to 70 dollars. In the end, we managed to raise (and take from Mads’s bank account) 73.50 US dollars and we donated the money to the UNICEF: Every Child Educated program. We maxed a whopping number of 35 which goes to show that ACP will always step in to help someone in need. Because of this event, we learned some life values and we were able to help money children who do not have the luxury of getting educated. This event was a huge eye-opening experience and the Higher Commander thanked every troop that showed up. Thank you to everyone who attended, a HUGE shoutout to the Help Force for inspiration, and a very big thank you to Mads!
Max Size: 35
Max Size Picture:

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, CP Army Battleground, UK Division | Tagged: ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Austin, AustinFraud, Bread, bread pan, Breadpan, Charity, Clover Cahrity Fundraiser, Clover Charity, clover defenders, clover penguins, clover trooper, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Coolguy, CPA Battlground, Every Child Educated, Fundraiser, Help Force, KingFraud, Maddie, Maddiecw, MaddieCW3, Mads, pan, Stadium, Ugly, Uk, UK Division, UNICEF, UNICEF Charity Program | 1 Comment »