Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – How’s it going ACP! In today’s post, we will look into CPLegacy’s newly released clothing catalog for the spooky month of October! To find all the secret items this catalog has make sure you check out the rest of the post.

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, CP Legacy, CPL Clothing Catalog, CPL Hidden Secrets, CPPS Cheats, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: "I Love My Puffle" T-Shirt, 2023, Abracadabra Cape, ACP, Alien Antenna, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Austin, AustinFraud, Back to School, Balloon Vendor, Black Cape, Black Letterman Jacket, Blue Backpack, Blue Letterman Jacket, Brown Shoes, Bunch of Balloons, Butterfly T-Shirt, Calgo, Calgocubs21, Cane, Carnival Barker Outfit, Casual Suit Jacket, Classic Car, clover defenders, clover penguins, clover trooper, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Club Penguin Legacy, Club Penguin Legacy Clothing Catalog Secrets, Club Penguin Legacy CPL October 2023 Clothing Catalog, Club Penguin Legacy Halloween Party, Club Penguin Legacy October Clothing Catalog, Club Penguin Legacy Secrets, Coolguy, Country Flags Pins, CPL, CPL Cheats, CPL Clothing Catalog Secrets, CPL CPPS, CPL Halloween Party, CPL October 2023 Clothing Catalog, CPL October 2023 Clothing Catalog Secrets, CPL October Clothing Catalog, CPL Secrets, CPLegacy, CPLegacy Cheats, CPLegacy Clothing Catalog Secrets, CPLegacy CPL October 2023 Clothing Catalog, CPLegacy Halloween Party, CPLegacy October Clothing Catalog, CPLegacy Secrets, CPPS, Cumberand Hat, Fairy Wings, Fashionable Fuchsia Outfit, Flannel Shirt, Ghost Costume, Ghoul Dress, Ghoul Suit, Ghoulish Mask, Glowing Pumpkin Head, Green Letterman Jacket, Green Suede Jacket, Green Wheeler, Halloween Party, Hidden Secrets, Hockey Stick, Horse Costume, Horse Hooves, Jester Hat, Magic Wand, Magician Cape, Mischief Maker Costume, October, October 2023, October 2023 Clothing Catalog, October Clothing Catalog, Park Ranger Hat, penguin style, Penguin Style Secrets, Penguin-o`-Lantern, Pink Backpack, Pink Letterman Jacket, Poncho, Pork Pie Hat, Princess Hat, Pumpkin Cap, Red Letterman Jacket, Red Nose, Red Shirt, Represent Your Country, roman helmet, Running Shoes, Secret, Secrets, Spectral Costume, Stormy Background, Sunglasses, The Abracadabra, The Fair, The Fair Party, The Long Haired Ghoul, The Mischief Maker, The Punk, The Punked Out, Top Hat, Ugly, Unicorn Costume, Unicorn Hooves, Unicorn Horn, Viking Helmet | Leave a comment »