Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hello ACP! Do you want to become a tour guide and show people around the island as well as get a fancy new hat on Club Penguin Journey? Well today I’m going to show you how to do just that! Without any further ado, let’s get straight into it.

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, CP Journey, CPJ Tutorials, CPPS Cheats, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: 2023, A flower pot, ACP, Aqua Grabber, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Austin, AustinFraud, Background, Beach, Bean Counters, Black Puffle, Blub, Blue Training Mats, Boiler Room, Book Room, Calgo, Calgocubs21, Card-Jitsu, Cart-Surfer, clover defenders, clover penguins, clover trooper, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Club Penguin Journey, Coffee Shop, coins, cookies, Coolguy, CPJ, CPJ Cheats, CPJ CPPS, CPJ Guide, CPJ GUides, CPJ Tour Guide, CPJourney, CPJourney Cheats, CPJourney Cheats: How to Become a Tour Guide, CPJourney Guide, CPJourney Guides, CPJourney Tour, CPJourney Tour Guide, Dance Club, Dojo, Find Four, Find Four boards, fire, Flower Pot, fluffy, Green Puffle, Guppy, How does the pink puffle play?, How many blue training mats are found in the Dojo?, How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?, How many Find Four boards can be found in the Lodge Attic?, How to Become a Tour Guide, Icebreaker, In what room can you find old copies of the newspaper?, Jet Pack Adventure, Level 4 of Bean Counters, Lodge Attic, Lookout, Lookout Room, Mancala, Migrator, Mine, Mine Shaft, Mullet, Music, Newspaper, Night Club, Orange Puffles, Pet Shop, Pink Puffle, Pizza Shop, player card background, Postcard, SB, September 13, September 13 2023, Shamrock Bulletin, Shark, Skips with a skipping rope, Swift Swimmer, Three Elements, Tour, Tour Dude, Tour Dude Mascot, Tour Guide, Tour Guide Hat, Tour Guide HQ, Tour Guide Postcard, Tour Guide Quiz, Tour Guide Test, Tour HQ, Tours, Voyager, Water and Snow, Welcome Room, What color of puffle can catch fire?, What color puffle can be seen jumping on top of a speaker in the Night Club?, What day of the week does the newspaper come out?, What is the name of Captain Rockhopper’s ship?, What is the name of the big fish in Ice Fishing?, What is the orange puffles favorite snack?, What item is thrown out of the truck in the level 4 of Bean Counters?, What three elements are present in Card-Jitsu?, Which of these games has a shark in it?, Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it?, Which of these rooms doesn’t have music playing in the background?, Zoomey | 2 Comments »