AUSIA Party Results

Hello ACP, Today we went to Blizzard to have a party with other fellow CP players we managed to max around 14 at this event. I am trying to get a PB at the same time for tomorrow! Keep up the good work ACP! Carry on for more pics!

Max: 14 | Average: 13

max 114 carzy skill.png

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AUSIA Recruiting Session


Hello ACP, today we logged into Iceberg (a two bar server) and had a little recruiting session and I’d say it went very well we were able to get around 15 on and had good tactics. Iceberg actually went form a two bar server then went up to a 3 when we logged on. I was expecting this but I want 20+ next AUSIA event, we can do it! Carry on reading for more pictures.



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UK Unscheduled event on Breeze

Hey, ACP! UK, today, had an unscheduled event on Breeze where we maxed sixteen however this was an enjoyable event and we did some great tactics, hopefully this will continue during the week. Continue reading for pictures provided by Fluff, I and Snow. 

Average: 16

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UK Tactic Session on Breeze

Greetings, ACP.  Today, the UK division logged onto Breeze where we maxed seventeen once more excellent effort from everyone who has came to this event and overall this week as we’ve seen an increase in the quality of the UK events ; be proud of yourself guys! 😀

27th february maxed 17

Maxed 17

Carry on reading for pictures provided by Snow and I.

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Events for the week 15th February – 21st February

events for the week

Today’s Events

 ❗ UK Recruiting Session + U-Lead ❗

When: 15th February

Server: TBA


7:30 PM GMT

2:30 PM EST

1:30 PM CST

12:30 PM MST

11:30 pm PST


US Recruiting Session

Server: Snow Angel / Flurry

Goal 20+

8:00 PM EST

7:00 PM CST

6:00 PM MST

5:00 PM PST


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UK Recruiting on Flurry

Greetings, ACP. Today, the UK division logged onto Flurry for a quick recruiting session, we maxed 22 – great work UK! Carry on reading for pictures provided by I and Bam. 

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