Posted on August 21, 2016 by Shaboomboom
Important Posts to Read:
Important Defences to attend
Getting to Know Troops
Remember to comment on the results posts to show you attended!
Make sure to comment on this post which events you can attend!

❗ Today’s Events ❗
❗ UK Mass War Training (20+ expected) ❗
When: 27th August 2016
Server: Breeze
8:30 pm GMT
3:30 pm EST
2:30 pm CST
1:30 pm MST
12:30 pm PST
Filed under: ACP | Tagged: Army of CP, clover defender, cp army, cp green squad | 2 Comments »
Posted on August 19, 2016 by Shaboomboom
Important Posts to Read:
War Schedule
Happy Raksha Bandhan day
Greetings, ACP. In our last post we went over Dr Nono Jr and Rapidy, who were the 3rd leaders of ACP, and Kg007 was the person who replaced their short leadership. Kg007, also known as Kg, led from the 28th of August 2008 to 10th October 2008. Carry on reading to learn how he got leader and what he did as leader.
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Filed under: ACP | Tagged: Army of CP, clover defenders cp, cp green squad, Kg007 | 11 Comments »
Posted on August 17, 2016 by Shaboomboom
Greetings, ACP. First of all, brilliant work to everyone who attended this defence especially as there were some errors around the timing of this defence. We managed to max twenty in this event compared to RPF’S nineteen (which eventually went down to 8/10 when Bad/Silv logged off, I wonder why?). Carry on reading for Zoomey’s video proof of this defence and pictures.
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Filed under: ACP | Tagged: clover defenders cp, CP, CP Armies, cp green squad | 1 Comment »
Posted on August 15, 2016 by Shaboomboom
Important Posts to Read:
War Schedule
Invasion of Tea timings
Greetings. ACP. Today we had a UK invasion of Snow Bound in which we maxed 24 and defeated RPF despite them thinking they were Olympic running stars for ten minutes of the invasion, thanks for making us run after you for 10 minutes, which was obviously to hide the fact that they were struggling to max more than 10. Carry on reading for a video of the battle (includes RPF’s Olympic running team) and for pictures.

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Filed under: ACP | Tagged: ACPA, Army of Club Penguin, clover defenders cp, Club Penguin Army, cp green squad | 5 Comments »
Posted on August 15, 2016 by Shaboomboom
Important Posts to Read:
Invasion of Tea timing
War Schedule
Greetings, ACP. Earlier on at today we kicked off our war campaign vs RPF by invading the server Snowfall from them – RPF were a no show- meaning we now add Snow Fall to our growing Empire. We maxed 15 in this event and averaged 14, carry on reading for a video of the battle and pictures.
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Filed under: ACP | Tagged: Army of CP, clover defenders, Club Penguin Army, cp green squad | 4 Comments »
Posted on August 10, 2016 by Shaboomboom
Important Posts to Read:
War Schedule
Greetings, ACP. Today we successfully defended Frozen from Snow Ninjas who maxed three in this defence, after battling them for three minutes they logged off admitting defeat. We maxed thirteen in this event and hopefully we can improve this for our UK invasion at 8:30 pm GMT/3:30 pm EST. Make sure to attend if you can.

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Filed under: ACP | Tagged: Army of CP, clover defenders, Club Penguin, cp green squad | 2 Comments »
Posted on August 9, 2016 by Shaboomboom
Important Posts to Read:
War Schedule
Our Response to Snow Ninja’s declaration of war
Greetings, ACP. As a good majority of you know, Snow Ninjas scheduled an invasion of our capital, Breeze, and I’m proud to say we work incredibly hard today today to defend Breeze successfully. Especially people like Sam, Kitty, Brad and Doctor Mine Turtle who helped to hype and recruit for hours before the battle with me. As a result of this dedication we maxed 30 on Breeze with Snow Ninjas not attending.
Like I said, Snow Ninjas, you’ll regret even daring to invade Breeze by the time this war is over.

Not that you could have beaten us with ten people on chat but okay.

SN’s reason for not attending

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Filed under: ACP | Tagged: Army of CP, clover defenders, CP, cp green squad | 10 Comments »
Posted on August 8, 2016 by Shaboomboom
Consider this our response to you declaring war on us, Snow Ninjas.

I generally would not be writing this post in this manner if it wasn’t for the fact that Snow Ninjas are extremely sore losers; we offered you the chance to regain your capital through invasion. You failed. You’ll fail to invade ours and by the time Wednesday comes you’ll have also failed to defend your only server on the map. Are you sure you still want to cross ACP’s path and melt into nothing? Cancel your invasion of Breeze and admit defeat before you screw yourself over.
Or you can hide behind your posts, claiming we’re dead and rude at the same time, which make no logical sense as something cannot be dead and able to insult you. The time of playing nice is over Jack, by the end of this week, you’ll be begging us to stop or hiding behind pictures you take in the first three minutes of a battle. Either way you’ll be regretful that you dared to insult ACP or to attempt to invade our Capital.

Snow always melts; don’t forget that.
Super Edwin and King Mondo

Filed under: ACP | Tagged: clover defenders, Club Penguin, CP, cp green squad | 7 Comments »
Posted on August 8, 2016 by Shaboomboom
Important Posts T0 Read:
Defence of Belly Slide times
Events for the Week
Greetings, ACP. Earlier on today, we logged on Breeze for a patrol session where we checked the main rooms of Breeze for any threats or dangers to the server. We went from Town to Forts to Plaza to Dock and did tactics in each room. We maxed 16-17 in this event. Carry on reading for pictures
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Filed under: ACP | Tagged: clover defenders, clover defenders cp, Club Penguin, cp green squad | 3 Comments »
Posted on August 7, 2016 by Shaboomboom
Remember to comment on the results posts to show you attended!
Make sure to comment on this post which events you can attend!

Today’s Events
❗ AUSIA Recruiting Session ❗
When: 8th August 2016
Server: TBA (To Be Announced)
5:00 pm IST
7:00 pm PHT/HKT
9:30 pm AEST
7:30 am EST
12:30 pm GMT
♣ ♣ ♣
❗ UK Patrol of Breeze ❗
When: 8th August 2016
Server: Breeze
8:30 pm GMT
3:30 pm EST
2:30 pm CST
1:30 pm MST
12:30 pm PST
♣ ♣ ♣
When: 8th August 2016
Server: Belly Slide
12:30 am UK
7:30 pm EST
6:30 pm CST
5:30 pm MST
4:30 pm PST
♣ ♣ ♣
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Filed under: ACP, AUSIA Division, UK Division | Tagged: clover defenders, clover defenders cp, cp green squad, green squad cp | 4 Comments »