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    June 2024
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Comrade Clash: Star and Noa

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters– Welcome back to our latest edition of Comrade Clash will feature our dearest General Noa and brightly shining Major General Star! How well do they know each other?

Noa first joined Secret Service in 2022. She went inactive and came back in October 2022 when Secret Service was no longer active. After that, she joined Dark Warriors, but she soon left. She joined ACP as staff in 2023. Star on the other hand, joined her first army which is ACP where she still currently stands in today.

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Comrade Clash: Roxy and Mythic

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Returning one of our old columns, Comrade Clash, Written by Lieutenant General Cheska! If you’re new here, Comrade Clash is when we will be asking two close friends various questions about each other to see who truly knows the other better. Our returning edition will be featuring General Roxy and Lieutenant General Mythic. How well do they know each other?

Roxy first joined the army community in 2019 with Help Force but only became active in 2020. She joined ACP in October of 2020. She soon retired as 3ic in January of 2022 but later came back as 5ic in January of 2024.

Mythic on the other hand, joined the army community in 2019 with Templars. He left Templars in 2020 bounced around some armies and revived Elites. Elites shut down after charting #2 in Top Tens. He retired after that but is now here in ACP.

To discover more, I reached out to both Roxy and Mythic for an interview.

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Comrade Clash: Spotty and Tsanami

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Our latest edition of Comrade Clash will be featuring none other than Master General Spotty and Field General Tsanami! What do they have to say about each other?

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Comrade Clash: Kailey and Tia

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to the latest edition of the newest Friday column, Comrade Clash, this time featuring Field Marshal Kailey and Supervisor Tia! What do they know about each other?

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Comrade Clash: Fusion and Quinn

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to our latest edition of Comrade Clash, this time featuring Field General Fusion and Corps General Quinn! What do they have to say about each other?

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Comrade Clash: Rah and Sanya

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to the latest edition of Comrade Clash, this time featuring Supervisors Rah and Sanya. How well do they know each other?

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Comrade Clash: Frog and Pungu

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to the latest edition of Comrade Clash, this time featuring Moderator Frog and Colonel Pungu. How well do they know each other?

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Comrade Clash: Daniel and FatChicken

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome to the newest Friday column, Comrade Clash, written by Lieutenant General Caramel! In this weekly column, we will be asking two close friends various questions about each other to see who truly knows the other better. Our first edition will be featuring Generals Daniel and FatChicken. How well do they know each other?

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