CPRewritten: PSA Missions Return and Gary Visit Times Released

BLIZZARD. Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – PSA Missions have returned to the island, with Gary the Gadget Guy visits scheduled to celebrate their release! Join us to hear all about these new updates!

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CPRewritten: Operation: Swarm Sneak Peek, Mascots and Potential Release Date

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – More information about Operation: Swarm has now been released. Join us to see a sneak peak, hear which mascot (or mascots) will be visiting and hear about a potential release date for the event.

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CPRewritten: Noir Party – Visiting Mascot Confirmed and Sneak Peek Released

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Following the confirmation that Club Penguin Rewritten would see the Noir Party in March, more about the party has been announced. Join us to hear which mascot will be visiting and see a sneak peek of a room design for the event.

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CPRewritten: Rockhopper Makes First Visit to CPR

BLIZZARD. Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Club Penguin Rewritten’s resident pirate recently made a return to the island. Join us to see Rockhopper’s new, custom background that he brought with him.

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CPRewritten: Rockhopper’s Ship Crashes into Iceberg Before Arrival of Submarine Party

BLIZZARD. Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In an unexpected turn of events, Rockhopper’s ship, The Migrator, has crashed into an iceberg just off shore from the Club Penguin Rewritten island.

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CPRewritten: First HTML Mascot Meetups Feature Aunt Arctic

BLIZZARD. Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Club Penguin Rewritten’s first HTML party also brings with it the return of mascot visits. Join us to find out what giveaway Aunt Arctic has brought with her, when her final visits are and our top tips for meeting her!

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