[November 2023] Comment for Promotion!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Do you deserve a promotion for your work in November 2023? Please comment below!

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[October 2023] Comment for Promotion!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Deserve a promotion for your work in October 2023? Please comment below!

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[September 2023] Comment for Promotion!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Deserve a promotion for your work in September 2023? Please comment below!

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[August 2023] Comment for Promotion!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Deserve a promotion for your work in September 2023? Please comment below!

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September Promotions!

Salutations everyone!

With the beginning of the school year and the fluctuations in the community, it’s been a really interesting month. We went both ways on the Top Ten and different things happened as the days went on. Most notably, we started our ACP family reunion in alignment with the time of the 10th anniversary of ACP’s birthday! 

Despite the sudden drops in activity here and there, we pulled through with true might. At the reunion/birthday party, we had almost 30 on chat the whole day and at the peak about 5 messages per second on chat. It was a truly incredible day, just as it was 10 years ago. Collectively, I think this month was a HUGE success. Now that we are out of the first month of school, most people have adjusted, and thus it should be a much smoother rest of the season.

♣  ♣  And now, I present to you, the SEPTEMBER 2016 PROMOTIONS!  ♣  ♣

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