Salute ACP!
Welcome back for the penultimate installment of TOTM before we say farewell to the year of 2020. This month, we’ve had a lot of fun as a community, including the Royals week where the soldiers of DRACP saved Mchappy! Without further ado, we pass the trophy on to…
What qualifies for TOTM?
– Activity in ACP chat
– Activity in attending events
– Involved in the ACP community
– Has taken initiative in certain areas
This month, Faith has proven herself to be an extremely enthusiastic addition to the Army of Club Penguin, working hard to attend as many events as possible, always available to hype up the chat, or help new troops with any questions they might have about the army, becoming a very familiar face in the army despite only being a month in. Her friendliness, amicably is second to none, making herself a worthy candidate of the title of Troop of the Month!
Interview with Faiththeunicorn
Hi Faith, can you quickly introduce yourself to the troops of ACP?
•Hi, my name is faith. I’ve been in ACP for a month now and am working my way to become a mod for the near future!
I think this is a question on everyone’s minds – are you really a unicorn? And do unicorns really have horns :O?
•Haha, I wish i was! Ofc they do!
How did you find out about the ACP? How long have you been here?
•I found out through Kailey, the one who does clovers. We played another game called MSP together and she invited me here and I’ve been here for a month now!
Why do you think you were voted TOTM?
•Imma give my best guess and say becz of all the hard work I try to put into with recruiting and doing my best with introducing new people and being there for events!
What’s your favorite battle/event as of thus?
•I would say the battle between the Doritos! Now that was fun!!!
In your free time, what do you enjoy doing?
•Well I work alot, so I dont get much free time but when I do, I actually sit here and talk to all of u on discord! <3
Do you like being crewmate or imposter more in among us?
•The imposter! It’s always fun to go and pretend to not know who the imposter is!
What’s your favorite color and why? (Hint: Green is the right answer )
•Well ofc green becz ACP IS THE BEST!!
What are your future goals, or what can we expect from you in ACP?
•Expect of me, well I want to become a mod one day so, lots of hard work and dedication!!
Anything you’d like to say to the people of ACP?
•Well, I’d love to say that ACP is my amazing family and I love all of u! I’ve come to know alot of u and made some great friends! I will never forget any of u!!! Cant wait for the near future ACP!
Congratulations once again to Faith for becoming this months TOTM! We wish ya the best of luck with your future goals 😀
ACP Leader
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