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[NOV 2020] Troop of the Month!

Salute ACP!

Welcome back for the penultimate installment of TOTM before we say farewell to the year of 2020. This month, we’ve had a lot of fun as a community, including the Royals week where the soldiers of DRACP saved Mchappy! Without further ado, we pass the trophy on to…

What qualifies for TOTM?

– Activity in ACP chat
– Activity in attending events
– Involved in the ACP community
– Has taken initiative in certain areas

This month, Faith has proven herself to be an extremely enthusiastic addition to the Army of Club Penguin, working hard to attend as many events as possible, always available to hype up the chat, or help new troops with any questions they might have about the army, becoming a very familiar face in the army despite only being a month in. Her friendliness, amicably is second to none, making herself a worthy candidate of the title of Troop of the Month!

Interview with Faiththeunicorn

Hi Faith, can you quickly introduce yourself to the troops of ACP?
•Hi, my name is faith. I’ve been in ACP for a month now and am working my way to become a mod for the near future!

I think this is a question on everyone’s minds – are you really a unicorn? And do unicorns really have horns :O?
•Haha, I wish i was! Ofc they do!

How did you find out about the ACP? How long have you been here?
•I found out through Kailey, the one who does clovers. We played another game called MSP together and she invited me here and I’ve been here for a month now!

Why do you think you were voted TOTM?
•Imma give my best guess and say becz of all the hard work I try to put into with recruiting and doing my best with introducing new people and being there for events!

What’s your favorite battle/event as of thus?
•I would say the battle between the Doritos! Now that was fun!!!

In your free time, what do you enjoy doing?
•Well I work alot, so I dont get much free time but when I do, I actually sit here and talk to all of u on discord! <3

Do you like being crewmate or imposter more in among us?
•The imposter! It’s always fun to go and pretend to not know who the imposter is!

What’s your favorite color and why? (Hint: Green is the right answer :smiling_face_with_3_hearts: )
•Well ofc green becz ACP IS THE BEST!!

What are your future goals, or what can we expect from you in ACP?
•Expect of me, well I want to become a mod one day so, lots of hard work and dedication!!

Anything you’d like to say to the people of ACP?
•Well, I’d love to say that ACP is my amazing family and I love all of u! I’ve come to know alot of u and made some great friends! I will never forget any of u!!! Cant wait for the near future ACP!


Congratulations once again to Faith for becoming this months TOTM! We wish ya the best of luck with your future goals 😀


ACP Leader

[OCT 2020] Troop of the Month!


Welcome back to a very very late installment of TOTM!

October has truly been a hectic, but very amazing month – where the Army of Club Penguin participated in CPAH’s Fight or Fright tournament, breaking our record maxes twice with insane sizes of 113 and 116 respectively in the semis and finals. We couldn’t have done this without our amazing troops – and so, this month we congratulate…


What qualifies for TOTM?

– Activity in ACP chat
– Activity in attending events
– Involved in the ACP community
– Has taken initiative in certain areas

This month, Cubeoid has has shown exemplary work as a member of the Army of Club Penguin – becoming ROTW twice this month, and earning the first ever member awarded Bronze Medal of the CPPS era, he has shown great initiative with encouraging activities in main chat, made great effort to attend important battles despite being AUSIA, and put in amazing work as part of the ACP Recruiting Force.

Interview with Cubeoid

Hi Cubeoid, can you quickly introduce yourself to the troops of ACP?

Hi guys – as you know me the one and only :sweat_smile: Cubeoid.. I have been here for like 3-4 months now and I am actively participating from like past 2 months .. sry I am not good at writing speeches

I hear you used to be called Cuboid… where did the extra e come from? Also, why name yourself after a shape?

Yes, you are right. I was earlier named Cuboid, but one day I was chatting in general chat and I said that I hate cube and CSY called me CUBE HATER so I decided to name myself CUBEOID (I wanted to prove I don’t hate Cube (( PSS but Cuboid r superior)) so I added it in my name LMAO :joy:)

I named myself after a shape coz I didn’t had a good nickname I watched literally like everyone having good names and I choose Cubeoid coz it looked cute and nice :grin:

How did you find out about the ACP? How long have you been here?

SO this is the question I was waiting for.. I never played or knew about club penguin.. I was invited by Honorable NIGHTFURY from Userphone on 29th June 2020!! 3-4 months now I am in server!! I was extremely lucky that I finded this server then earlier if anyone of u guys remember my name was ‘Nightfury’s Friend’ coz I didn’t knew a good nickname but later I changed to Cubeoid !

Why do you think you were voted TOTM?

Tbh with you I guess previous month I got like 3 ROTW in row and was actively working in ACP also I completed my ACPTR Course and became graduate and attended events at my best!! I guess it’s the reason I also got bronze medal and I won’t make you regret of giving me it !!!

Why are cubes superior to cuboids in every way? :e2~2:

Cubes sounds like small and weak where as Cuboids stand strong (PS my agents says MINECRAFT will soon be made of Cuboids) Also Cuboid > Cube :smile: Sooo there r less reason to support cube and mostly in irl many things r in cuboid shape rather then in cube shape soooo — Cuboid wins
( No hate to cube fans it was just for fun :sweat_smile: )

As the first BMA recipient as a member for the CPPS generation, as well as a new mod, how do you feel about all of this?

I dont know what to say on this Hcoms believe that I can do well so I will try my best because you have experience I don’t so you will know better than me I can just say I won’t make you regret!

We’re all DYING to know this – what the heck is ISSA?

Wait a minute… Don’t u guys know about ISSA? Omg She is queen of bread (She supplies me brown bread for free). She is a good friend of mine so we like pretend to shout :joy: whenever we see each other chatting like ISSA ISSSSSAAAA 🙂 it’s just our way to greet after a long time :smile:

I hear you’re a regular on the ACP MC server – any best memories to share?

Yup I play there in server not sure if I am regular coz I left for 3 weeks in between but I am back now and there r many memories worst and best probably gonna tell u best one so here they are —
1) I never killed enderdragon (the final boss in Minecraft) in survival mode But in this server Flov and me we killed the ender dragon (we died 4 times tho :sweat_smile:) and I was happy to do that 🙂

What’s your favorite moment in ACP?

My favorite moment in ACP was to get !tempmuted by Sanya… NVM it was when I was awarded Bronze Medal like it was a surprise for me I barely knew that I will be one getting it but I still remember that day. We won a big battle we were having fun enjoying and I won the medal that was best day of mine in ACP

Anything you’d like to say to the people of ACP?

I can say that it was best server I founded ever in my discord history which was international and respected every community — the people here are life of it.. I just want to say to them that you all have likes and dislikes so don’t clash on them with someone we all r thoghter as a family here So love each other !!!
GREEN TOGETHER FAMILY FOREVER :blue_heart::heart: !!!



Congratulations once again Cubeoid, an exemplary soldier who’s shown that ACP’s community reaches far beyond Club Penguin!


ACP Leader

AKP-wöchentliche Rückblick Oktober! #18

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September 2020 Troop of The Month

Welcome back to another installment of the monthly TOTM!

Monthly Troop of the Month-ly Troop of the Month-ly….

Anyways, with an amazing month where we saw Echo become the victorious division in the Civil War, and celebrations for our 14 year anniversary, we couldn’t have made this month possible without all the engagement and hard work from our troops. So without further ado, I’m here to congratulate…

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[AUG 2020] Troop of the Month!

Salute the land of golden clovers!

Welcome back to Troop of the Month – the only column CSY can be trusted to do on a schedule. It’s been a sluggish month with everyone gearing back to school – but it doesn’t mean we don’t salute those that have been on the grind! This month’s TOTM has, since joining, become a staple of the ACP community – and so without further ado, I’m proud to congratulate…

What qualifies for TOTM? 

– Activity in ACP chat 

– Activity in attending events 

– Involved in the ACP community 

– Has taken initiative in certain areas

This month, Pungu has been nominated as TOTM for his activity – as an incredibly active troop in main chat, he’s hit a total of 31 events in his first month in – joining ACPTR and graduating as an A+ graduate, joining ACPRF to help ACP grow, taking initiative in many areas, such as welcoming and chatting with troops, creating his own ACP conspiracy

We have withheld food from Pungu until he agreed to take this interview here today with an exclusive interview!

Interview with Pungu

For those unacquainted, can you introduce yourself to the troops of ACP? What does your name mean?

Hi there ACP! I’m Pungu, the local Sonic fan who has too much Sonic knowledge (I’ve probably annoyed you in VC with the Sonic 3 OST). 

My name is a cool story, actually! It gives me a chance to mention one of best internet friendb and mentor figure of sorts, Interdimensional Demon, in the Pungorigin story. Basically I was uncreative and called myself Pingu, (terrifying, I know) and then, he started calling me Pungu as a nickname! After that, Pungu really started developing as less of a Nickname and more of his own character. 

That’s all! Don’t call me Pingu, it reminds me of days where I said “XD” unironically.

How did you find out about the ACP and how long have you been here? Any previous experience with armies? 

I found out about ACP through the Instagram! I was talking to the guy who ran it (Skipper, as it turned out) and he did his job well, by plugging the invite. 

But that isn’t my first time seeing Armies around, actually! I have the exact moment I learnt of Armies screenshotted.

I joined PZF but immediately ended up leaving, and a few weeks later, ACP.

Now, I wouldn’t consider leaving ACP.. probably ever? It feels like my home!

(interviewer’s note: I see you Light…. E7)

Why do you think you were voted Troop of the Month? 

I feel I was voted because I’ve worked my hardest this month, and made a very good impression of myself. I’ve worked hard to help the moderator team protect ACP for one. I’ve also attended many events, been friends with Hcom, and other cool stuff like that.

Also I’m Pungu and SUPER cool :sunglasses:who wouldn’t give me it

What is your favorite memory in the ACP?

I haven’t been here for long, so it’s hard to pick, but I do have one, and it’s from my time in the ACPTR. (sign up for the October one, btw!)

I had to solo lead. I was directing Max. MAX. My first taste in leading! It was because no one showed up to the Ausia internal Practise Battle, except people who were already graduated. At first I was nervous, but with Max’s reassurance and everything I’d learnt so far, I managed to pull through, and as a team of 2, VS the A Grads who had 6, I think we did well!

Also this screenshot, from the PB we did against AOS warms my heart and will stick with me for a very long time

I have been acquainted with your work with the Mondo conspiracy: Do you believe it functions under parallel universes, or does Mondo have some sort of a time turner, or do you just suspect that he doesn’t sleep?

The Case of The Bunnyduck is an interesting one. Is he dangerous? Passive? No one knows. We just know that our King Mondo has strong connections :wary~2:. (below is the graph we use). I suspect it’s something to do parallel universes, yes, but it seems as though Kermit the Frog is involved, too (Second attached image.)

Is it “water” or “wa-er”?

For fear of my safety it’s wa-er

It is said that you bribed CSY for TOTM. Do you have any response to these allegations?

FALSE!! I wouldn’t bribe anyone for anything.. it’s true! :warygif:

(interviewers note: so here’s my bank account details… I await the transfer within 7 working days :))

Whats your daily workout schedule like to get that penguin body?

I- you’re going to be shocked!

I don’t have one. I’m just naturally like that.

Or it’s a costume. Perhaps this is a Mondo Conspiracy in itself?

Any final words you want to say to the penguins of ACP?

I love you all! You’ve all made me feel so at home in the last month!

Keep up the hard work, don’t be discourage by anyone who’s name begins with S and rhymes with Poo,

Watch out for Bunnyduck and Kermit the Frog,

and of course! This goes without saying:

Defend Freedom, Preserve Justice!

I’m going to shout out some specific people now who’ve helped me to get to this point:

Hollow – Hollungu real :redface~2:

(interviewer’s note: um this is an army, not tinder :ghost:)

DOINK – Such a cool friend

Fat Chicken – Kept me motivated and going and educated me on ACP History

Max, and all of Hcom – For being an amazing Hcom

Flipmoo –  

CSY – Awesome leader and Dad < – (that’s a story in itself)

And now for some Non ACP people who need to be recognised.

Janitoad – Kept listening to me talk about ACP despite knowing nothing about it

Peter – Awesome friend 

Aeris – One day, I’ll be able to log a recruit that took over a month thanks to her

I think that’s all! Have a great CSY, and everyone in ACP!

And with that, we end today’s interview with Pungu! Congratulations once again – and good luck everyone, because YOU could be next week’s special guest on TOTM!
ACP leader

[JULY 2020] Troop of the Month!

Hello Shamrock Bullet-ors!

Welcome back to this month’s TOTM, this time making its first debut under ACP’s own newsletter – the Shamrock Bulletin! It’s been a good month for ACP, hitting 2nd on the TT and maintaining top 3 😀 – and so we once again celebrate the members that have made all of this possible. In particular, one member has stood out for his work – and I’m proud to announce July’s TOTM:
What qualifies for TOTM? 
– Activity in ACP chat 
– Activity in attending events 
– Involved in the ACP community 
– Has taken initiative in certain areas

This month, Daniel has been chosen as the TOTM for his involvement in the community – be it through attending events, recruiting new members, chatting with troops – in both English and Spanish, and welcoming new members to the ACP. Becoming an A+ graduate in the month of July too, Daniel is also an exemplary soldier on and off the battlefield. In recognition of his efforts, he was also recently promoted to moderator. 

Here’s an exclusive interview for everyone to get to know Daniel better!
Interview with Daniel20448
CSY: Hi Daniel, can you quickly introduce yourself to the troops of ACP?

Daniel: Hi! My name is Daniel, also known as Daniel20448! I’m from Costa Rica, and I am very passionate about history (WW1 history to be specific)! I’ve been playing videogames since very young, so they’re my life basically xD. Outside of videogames I love to play soccer and volleyball!
CSY: How did you find out about the ACP? How long have you been here? Any previous experience with armies?
Daniel: I found about ACP in my other army! My ex-army main cpps was Penguin Saloon, and when ACP joined PSAL (the Penguin Saloon Army League) I remember being completely amazed by the server size lol. After this, we decided to ally with ACP! One day, because I was super bored, I decided to come over to the ACP spanish chat, where I met Yeti (shoutout to him for being super kind and also congrats on your promo to 4ic, super well deserved!) We talked for a bit, and right there I just fell in love with ACP. When I left Silver Empire, I had no other home, then I remembered about Yeti and ACP, and really took into consideration coming over here. The person that convinced me completely to come over here was Nacho! He was a person I met all the way back in Golds. We got along super well (he is from my country too ;0) and tried super hard to convince me to join ACP after his army merged into ACP. He joined ACP about 3-4 days before I did, and kept on telling me to join, and I ended up joining, which I don’t regret at all! Everyone has been so kind to me since I joined and it really feels like a family. I’ve been in ACP for a bit more than 1 month, I joined exactly on the 25th of June! And yes, I’ve had previous experience! I first started armies back in March with Golds Empire, where I got member of the week! Due to some problems, some friends and I decided to leave the army and we went on to found Silver Empire (you can guess where the name comes from lol) I started as a normal mod and rose the ranks to second in command, but after about 3 months, I decided to step down from my position. Then I came over to ACP and here we are!
CSY: Why do you think you were voted Troop of the Month?
Daniel: I really don’t know exactly why, because everyone has their reasons, but I think one of the main ones is my event attendance xD. I try my best to attend events out of my timezone, so I always end up going to sleep either at 9 pm or at 4 am. Btw, what’s a sleep schedule?
(interviewer’s note: Sleep schedule? Nah, never heard of that -shrug-)
CSY: What do you enjoy most about CPR? What do you enjoy most about armies?
Daniel: What enjoy most about CPR is probably the old club penguin vibes it gives. Every time I go into the game, I feel like I’m back in my childhood. Of course it has it’s up and downs, but overall it’s an amazing game to play. What I enjoy most about armies is probably the friends you make. I’ve made countless friends in this community and I couldn’t be more grateful about all of them.
CSY: I’m sure we’re all dying to know this – whats the meaning behind 20448? Have you played 2048 before?
Daniel: LOL, I love the story behind this one, because there really isn’t xD. When I was super little and started playing on the original Club Penguin, I had no clue how anything worked (I was probably around 3-4 years old) so my dad had to help me with pretty much everything. So, he was incharge of making my account. Due to “Daniel” being taken he chose the first suggestion that popped up, and you can guess what it was xD. Since then I’ve been sticking to this name! I know what 2048 is, but I’ve never really tried it out.(Even if they most likely won’t read this, shoutout to my parents for being super awesome)
CSY: I heard that left-handed people were witches. How’s Hogwarts? Or do you go to Durmstrang?
Daniel: Oh yea, you guys probably don’t know this but I go to Hogwarts ;0. I’ve been going since I was born and it has been such a ride. :chew~4:
CSY: I heard that you’re a BTS fan e5. This is an important question – which is your favorite BT21 avatar?
Daniel: I- 

LOL I’ve been listening to kpop for quite a while now. One of the reasons being that “So What” by Loona used to be playing in the ACP website xD. I loved the song, and after this I decided to go deeper into kpop and started listening to BTS songs. My favorite BT21 avatar is definitely Koya (the Koala) ;0.

KOYA – The Korean Lass
CSY: If you could have one superpower – what would it be?
Daniel: A superpower I would like to have is definitely teleportation, would make it super easy to go from place to place :sonicthumbsup:
CSY: How do you feel about recently getting mod in ACP – what are your expectations, or worries?
Daniel: I was super shocked. I was super excited to get mod, because I’ve been wanting to host games for quite some time now and now it is possible :D. Probably my biggest worry is messing up with pings and stuff xD. Btw, since I was super shocked about getting mod imagine how speechless I am about being told I was TOTM just minutes later after getting mod LOL
CSY: Last but not least – anything you want to say to the people of ACP?
Daniel: One thing I would like to say is to follow your dreams! Like Gary once said when I was mascot tracking, “anything is possible with a dream”. Just gotta work hard and put your all into it! Pura Vida ACP and thank you to everyone, ily all!<3

Stay tuned next month for August’s TOTM!
ACP Leader

[JUNE 2020] Troop of the Month

hEYA ACP-ians!

Welcome to the nth (i lost count im sorry) installment of TOTM! June 2020 saw our participation in the Legends Cup X, where we hit the biggest sizes in a battle we’ve seen yet since our reopening – with a whopping 80 troops online! This would have been impossible without the work of our arduous Recruiting Force, and so without further ado, I’m proud to announce this months TOTM:

What qualifies for TOTM? 
– Activity in ACP chat 
– Activity in attending events 
– Involved in the ACP community 
– Has taken initiative in certain areas

This month, Beiruk has been chosen as the TOTM for her work with the ACP’s recently created Spanish chat. Albeit the language barrier, Beiruk has made great attempts to integrate with our English speaking members too, welcoming new recruits and reaching out to many Spanish speaking members to remind them of battles and teach them the ways of the ACP! Finally, she’s extremely involved in the community, becoming an ACPTR A+ graduate, and putting in great effort with the Recruiting Force, becoming ROTW this week.
Here’s an interview for everyone to get to know Beiruk better!
Interview with Beiruk
CSY: Hi Beiruk, can you quickly introduce yourself to the troops of ACP?
Beiruk: Hey!! My name is Beiruk and I’m from Dominican Republic

CSY: Describe yourself in 5 words!

Beiruk: Extroverted, optimistic, cheerful, respectful and crazy
CSY: How did you find out about the ACP and how long have you been here? Any previous experience with armies? 
Beiruk: I found ACP when I made my Discord. Someone dmed me an invite so I joined. It has been one month and 3 weeks since I joined the ACP, my first army
CSY: Why do you think you were voted Troop of the Month? 
Beiruk: From CPR I enjoy the minigames, while from armies, I enjoy the events
CSY: What is your favorite memory in the ACP?
Beiruk: In general, the best experience I’ve had is talking in the Spanish chat, but I enjoyed when Yeti tried to teach Spanish to Bailey and Destro
CSY: Does Tapas live up to its fame?
Beiruk: We don’t have tapas in Dominican Republic

(interviewers note: argh, guess I gotta find someone else to ask this 🙁 )
CSY: Would you rather die of heat or cold?
Beiruk: I would prefer dying of cold
CSY: Anything you want to say to the people of ACP?
Beiruk: I love u guys!!

And with that, we conclude our interview with the Dominican Republican
ACP Leader

[MAY 2020] Troop of the Month!

Hey ACP-ians!

Welcome back to our May rendition of troop of the month? Do you guys enjoy TOTM? If you do, like, subscribe, and leave a comment down below! (someones been watching too much YT during this pandemic… But without further ado, lets announce May’s TOTM!

What qualifies for TOTM?
– Activity in ACP chat
– Activity in attending events 
– Involved in the ACP community 
– Has taken initiative in certain area
This month, Shebyr has been chosen as the TOTM – she’s extremely enthusiastic when it comes to participating in events, the chat, and games. She’s hardworking and mature – becoming an A+ cadet in this months ACPTR, always striving to become better. Finally, she’s made efforts recruiting, ardoring to improve herself constantly.
Here’s an interview for everyone to get to know Shebyr better!
Interview with Shebyr
CSY: Hi Shebyr, can you quickly introduce yourself to the troops of ACP? 
Shebyr: Hi, I’m Shebyr 
CSY: How did you find out about the ACP and how long have you been here? Any previous experience with armies? 
Shebyr: I found out about the ACP through a troop DMing me a Discord invite, and I’ve been here a little over 2 months. This was my first army.
CSY: Why do you think you were voted Troop of the Month? 
Shebyr: I feel like I’ve been voted Troop of the Month because I’ve worked hard to go to every event possible and to be overall active.
CSY: What do you enjoy most about CPR? What do you enjoy most about armies? 
Shebyr: I enjoy a lot of CPR games such as Cart Surfer and Smoothie Smash, along with a lot of igloo hosted events. I enjoy the overall army community most out of everything.
CSY: Whats your favorite tactic/formation you’ve done in ACP? 
Shebyr: My favorite tactic would probably be any tactic we perform when we’re separated into 4 lines at the Ice Rink. I love the way that each line says one word and it all comes together.
CSY: What is the funniest moment you’ve had in ACP? 
Shebyr: In my experience, the funniest moments in ACP are probably just every late night we spend doing the Hunger Games simulator. It always makes for a good time.
CSY: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? 
Shebyr: In my spare time, I usually sing and listen to music. I also write, but I’m in no way skilled.
CSY: What’s the meaning behind your name?
Shebyr: My sister made my first Club Penguin account when I was around 7 years old, and when I told her my username (Shelbyr, to represent my first name and last initial), she forgot the “L” in my name, so I’ve just used it ever since. 
CSY: If you had to describe yourself in 3 words, what would it be? 
Shebyr: I’d probably describe myself as motivated, tired, and tech-savvy.
CSY: Anything you want to say to the people of ACP?
Shebyr: I’d like to say to the people of ACP that with hard work and determination, you can go far. I’ve only been here for 2 months, and I’ve just became Troop of the Month. You can, too.

And with that, we conclude our interview with the future broadway star….
ACP Leader

[APRIL 2020] Troop of the Month

Hey ACP,

Welcome back to our 3rd TOTM since ACP re-inaugurated on CPR! With the hectic war schedules these last couple of days, this TOTM really took into account troop event activity. Without further ado, lets announce the TOTM for April 2020

What qualifies for TOTM? 
– Activity in ACP chat
– Activity in attending events 
– Involved in the ACP community 
– Has taken initiative in certain areas

This month, Henry_VI has been chosen as the TOTM for her activity in attending events (attending a whopping total of 61 events this month!), and the enthusiasm she always brings to our chat and events. She’s also put additional effort into recruiting, working hard to make all new troops feel welcomed. Henry actively participates in all our games and gives amazing suggestions at how to make ACP better!

Here’s an interview for everyone to get to know Henry_VI better!
Interview with Henry_VI

CSY: Hi Henry, can you quickly introduce yourself to the troops of ACP?
Henry_VI: Hey y’all! I’m Henry_VI, the patriotic Canadian! XD
CSY: How did you find out about the ACP? How long have you been here? Any previous experience with armies?
Henry_VI: I found out about the ACP when my friend sent me an invite link and said “pls join.” I joined ACP in December 2019, but I didn’t really do anything until February. ACP is my first army!
CSY: Why do you think you were voted Troop of the Month?
Henry_VI: I guess I was voted TOTM because I’m active in chat. I also joined ACPRF to help others join greatness and have fuN!

CSY: What do you enjoy most about CPR? What do you enjoy most about armies?

Henry_VI: I love all the minigames in CPR and the fact that you can get stamps for playing it! About armies, I really like how they all have their differences that set them apart, but they’re all the same in a way.

CSY: What is your favorite memory in the ACP?
Henry_VI: I love and cherish every single memory in the ACP, but if you ask me to choose just one, I’d have to say my favourite memory is when I mistook a cat for a bunny and Paddy made a meme about it. It’s pinned in #voice-chat-transcript if you want to see it. 😀
CSY: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Henry_VI: In my free time, I like being on Discord, playing CPR, reading, and trying to draw. I really can’t draw. Also, I like to chat with my friends online since the pandemic won’t let us talk in person
CSY: What’s a secret that no one knows about you yet?
Henry_VI: I guess a secret worth telling would be that I’m an academic nerd. A really big one.

CSY: Is CSY better at skribbl.io than Cherry?

Henry_VI: CSY LMFAO IDFK… I’ve never seen you play skribbl, so I have to say no, Cherry’s better than CSY at skribbl.io.

(Interviewer’s response: :E9:)

CSY: Anything you want to say to the people of ACP?

ACP Leader

[MARCH 2020] Troop of the Month

Hey ACP,

Welcome back to the 2nd iteration of TOTM! Apologies for the delay this month – it’s been hectic. But without further ado, our TOTM for March 2020 is….

What qualifies for TOTM? 
– Activity in ACP chat
– Activity in attending events 
– Involved in the ACP community 
– Has taken initiative in certain areas

This month, ZoomXT has been chosen as the TOTM for his activity in attending events, and his avid participation in welcoming troops and guiding new troops into our army. Although only joining in the middle of the month, ZoomXT has one of the highest attendance numbers, taking initiative in recruiting, becoming Recruiter of the Week for two weeks in a row now!

Here’s an interview for everyone to get to know ZoomXT better!
Interview with ZoomXT

CSY: Hi ZoomXT, can you quickly introduce yourself to the troops of ACP?
ZoomXT: Hey guys, I’m ZoomXT, the Brazilian guy  <3
CSY: How did you find out about the ACP? How long have you been here? Any previous experience with armies?
ZoomXT: I joined ACP March 1st of 2020, I was so bored in CPR when Max invited me to join ACP and I thought “Why not?”, I did not know anything about armies, but when I saw that penguins doing the same emotes and saying the same thing, I loved that!!!
CSY: Why do you think you were voted Troop of the Month?
ZoomXT: Since I became part of recruiting force, I have been working hard to recruit people, because I want people to have the same fun as me with ACP.

CSY: What do you enjoy most about CPR?

ZoomXT: I have played original club penguin in childhood, and when it closed, I found CPR, it is so nostalgic, but I didn’t have the same fun as I did when I was a child, but with armies, I’m so excited about Club penguin again
CSY: What do you enjoy most about armies?
ZoomXT: I love the events, and teamwork, and how you can met new people everyday

CSY: What is your favorite memory in the ACP?
ZoomXT: I’m new in ACP, then i dont have a specific memory here, every memory here is especial for me <3
CSY: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

ZoomXT: I play fornite lol.
CSY: What are your goals for the future – regarding armies or otherwise?
ZoomXT: I want to improve my English, and continue my hard work for ACP <3

CSY: Anything you want to say to the people of ACP?
ZoomXT: Keep doing your best for ACP guys, ACP FOREVER <3 :four_leaf_clover:
ACP Leader