Private chats with Lerinie

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to the newest edition of Private Chats, a column where we interview soldiers from the Army of Club Penguin to learn more about them. Today we’ll be interviewing one of our troops, Lerinie!

Lerinie joined the army 5 months ago, and she’s become a known person in ACP for her love for blue puffles. She’s really active in the server, and you can often see her in main chat. She’s been awarded the last 2024 SOTW and is one of the few troops who have been promoted to Echo Officer. Let’s see what she had to say!

Okay first question, how long have you been in ACP and how did you get here?

I joined ACP in august 22, 2024. Me joining was pure chance i think. I had recently joined the New Club Penguin discord server when i got a dm asking to join a server. I usually ignore these types of messages but i felt like, “Hey why not” and the rest is history :3

That sounds interesting! What is your favorite memory from the server?

ooh good question, there has been so many! but if i had to pick then maybe graduating from ACPTR? the whole thing was loads of fun, and i even had a little speech for my graduation 😀

I am sure it was lots of fun! Who’s helped you the most in your time here?

Oh everyone has been so helpful, but i would say Sanya! Sanya was one who recruited me in the first place, and they were usually the first person who i went to if i needed help when i was new here or if i had enough clovers for a promotion 🙂

Ooh nice! What would you like to achieve in ACP?

hmm well, everyone has been so nice and helpful my whole time here, so i wanna do the same, help out where i can 😀 or i guess make anyone feel welcome. ACP means a lot for me so i want to share this wonderful place with anyone i can :EP: :EH:

Good choice! Next question, what do you like doing in your free time?

I mainly like to play videogames, watch shows
sometimes i draw
oh and i like to read too!
those would be the usual things i do

Okay cool! We’re at the end of the interview, is there anything you’d like to say to our readers?

😮 well uhh to anyone who is reading this, I hope you have an amazing day! Ill see you all in main chat, so feel free to hop by and say hi :wave: :EP:

Tysm for your interesting interview Lerinie! We’ve been glad to be getting to know more about you and we hope we can talk to you again soon!

What do YOU think about the private chats series? Let us know in the comments!
And maybe YOU will be getting interviewed in the future!

ACP Major General

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for having me :3

  2. ACPTR MENTIONED!!!!!!!!

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