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Trivia: New Year’s Eve

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¿Cómo va todo, ACP? Espero que bien. After one month, I’ve finally been able to bring back our Trivia column! This is a fun column where you answer questions, and get fun rewards – but without further ado, let’s dive right into it! In November, I asked: “Who were the two armies that won the first edition of Double Deck the Halls, and the name of their team?” The answer for it is…

The Army of Club Penguin and the Dark Vikings – who named themselves the Santa Army! Click HERE to learn more.

Congratulations to those who earned 6 clovers for answering correctly!

Now, unto this week’s question…

With the end of another year we look back at other years wondering how did the army celebrate the New Year? Back in 2020, something major happened on New Year’s Eve, that would change everything about armies, and Club Penguin, as we knew it by then. What happened, on December 31st, 2020, and which ‘era’ ended then? (I can’t add a related image or I’d just give away the answer, lol)

Remember that the format for commenting is Discord username – answer! Comments will remain hidden until the answer is revealed in the next Trivia post!

The rewards for answering correctly this week will be 4 clovers.


ACP Shamrock Bulletin Editor & Field Marshal

12 Responses

  1. Soringel
    It marked the end of the „Flash Era“, with the final flash war and battle ending. Also winning a war against SWAT.

    • Correct! But, there was two events that happened that day: the last battle of the war AND a final Flash event. You clearly did research too :thumbsup:

  2. starrydanny – End of support for Adobe Flash Player, marking the end of the Flash Era 🫡

  3. cpr shut down?

  4. roxy.606 – end of rewritten era, shut down of cpr!!
    forgot to follow format for previous one soz

  5. On dec 31st 2020 flash player ended causing all CPPS to shut down except maybe NCP idk
    CPR shut down also and for a while armies had nowhere to log on at all
    The era that ended was the flash era and/or rewritten era
    The flash era ending was a massive internet wide disappointment

    • Correct! Only Flash Era though, as CPR would return a few days later with an HTML5 version, which armies wouldn’t fully use until almost a month later. CPR permanently shut down until 2022.

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