Attention to the Army of Club Penguin
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The Summer Awards this year notice a similar pattern to that of last year, having ACP win all awards possible.

On September 2nd, the Club Penguin Armies released their annual summer awards and introduced the voting to the community. There were 20 awards to be won but ACP and our members were nominated for 12 out of 20 awards, meaning that a majority of award nominations contained at least one ACP member/moment ACP were involved in. There was a lot of competition this year, making winning some of the awards a difficult task as the intensity grew bigger.
On September 5th, the voting had officially closed, and CPA was set to announce the winners on September 7th. The votes were counted and the winners of each award were released. ACP and its nominated individuals managed to be awarded in several categories. The awards ACP won were as follows:
Biggest Army

Best Major Army Leader: Ugly
79 votes

ACP’s 52nd Commander in Chief Roxy has come in second place with 44 votes
Most Tactical Army

Best Higher Command: Noa

Most Achieved: Ugly

Biggest Retirement: Mchappy

Best Conflict: Centenary Solstice War [3rd ACP-EGCP War]

Post Of The Summer: Retirement of Mchappy

Best Judge: Rarity

Best Top Ten Committee Member: Ugly

Since ACP is also part of The Entire Community, ACP has also won the Brightest Bulb award!

The Army of Club Penguin managed to work hard this summer to display the integrity and strength of the army, having everyone working tirelessly to achieve a lot of great things this year. We’d like to congratulate each and every part of ACP on this huge feat, once again proving ACP is still one of if not the greatest to ever exist having once again swept another Summer Awards.
We are extremely proud of ACP and the achievements of its individuals. We aim to continue striving for greatness and reaching for more achievements and trophies along the way.
How do YOU think ACP performed this Summer? Will ACP sweep the next Awards as well? Leave your thoughts down below in the comments!
ACP 51st Commander in Chief

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: ACP, Alemax, Annual End of Summer Awards, AOL, AOLInstantMessenger, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Austin, AustinFraud, Best Conflict, Best Higher Command, Best Major Army Leader, Best Top Ten Committee Member, Best Writer, Biggest Army, Biggest Rise, Brightest Bulb, Calgo, Calgocubs, Calgocubs21, clover defenders, clover penguins, clover trooper, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Armies, Club Penguin Army, Coolguy, cpa, CPA Annual End of Summer Awards, CPA Summer Awards, Mads, Most Achieved, Most Tactical Army, Post Of The Summer, Shamrock Bulletin, World War 9, World War IX, WW9, WWIX |
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