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Coolguy Leader Induction Speech – Welcome to the Cooldom

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

The time has come, the time for change is here, and now, I proudly stand up as something that three years ago, or hell, even last year, I never thought I would. I stand here as an Army of Club Penguin leader. As I’m writing this (on May 29th), it hasn’t sunk in but it soon will (and it did). I first joined ACP on March 29th 2023 and it was a jump that I had to think a lot about, I mean, I had been leading another army for three years, and moving on was always going to be difficult and the original decision to leave was hard but necessary, for me.

The decision to join ACP was another career-changing jump but it was one that I wanted. Why, you ask? Well, it felt right. And it was one of the first armies that came to my mind. I had many connections lying within ACP, from Calgo to Austin and even some of the veterans. I remember being in the ACP chat once or twice at nearly 2am in the morning because I was working overtime on all things CPA and ACP always was a welcoming army, not just to me but to many members of the community. Many people have found a home within the army, and many people have found their new selves within the army which has been amazing to see. And me? Well, upon joining, the amount of support I received was immense. There, of course, were a lot of people, old and new congratulating and welcoming me. However, I came in with a post stating that I had many plans and ideas for the army, some of which were implemented within the first two weeks. So, no matter what was said, I had to come here and prove that I wasn’t just coming to settle for anything but the best. I set some goals out in the post and kept some back but was able to do a lot with the rest of the team. However, there’s much more to be done.

Upon joining, we declared war on the Dark Vikings and this was something I, of course, knew about and had my own say in too because Calgo didn’t want me to join and be pushed into the dark. It wasn’t the first event that other people may have hoped for but it was one that I welcomed. While we all would have loved a smooth and joyous welcoming, this was one which was worth more than sentiment, it was the start of something much bigger. While there were genuine reasons for the Dark Vikings war, beating DV in a war and then aiming for the ausia tournament was a big plan that, if it all worked out, would have gone down in history. While we did win the war, we missed out on the opportunity to win Ausia Arena. However, this doesn’t alter what we aim to do, or what we aim to be. I want to see ACP be successful in everything it does and partakes in, but also I want to keep breaking many more records and winning tournaments that mark this as one of the most successful generations in ACP history.

Already, we have seen ACP break its CPPS record for the most 1st place finishes on the Top Tens in the CPPS era. Whilst the first time ACP got first was before I joined, I like to think I helped contribute to Calgo achieving this goal, as did the rest of the HCOM and people working on the staff team. So, why not aim higher? Why not be greater?

The start of this journey led to us winning the DV war and then on to my induction as a UK commander, which was a fun event for all and not just for me. It was a time where we could relax, after the war, and just have a couple of fun events, chill and enjoy CP. Though we wanted to achieve a lot more, in this small moment, it was just about celebrating and relaxing. Relaxing was one thing that can be hard in armies and I know that from personal experience, but ACP has been a much different experience and even when aiming for these goals or being crammed with things to do. ACP seems to be a community and I’m sure it will have its ups and downs but the army is quite privileged to be able to have a sense of community.

Getting to know everyone in ACP has been a pleasure and while there will be both good and bad times ahead, know this, we will never stop working to help ACP achieve greatness.

During my time in ACP already we’ve broken records, we’ve been dominating the Top Tens for periods, we’ve participated in a tournament, we’ve won against DV in war, I’ve received the recruiter of the week award along with medals from the aforementioned tournament and war, and even outside of ACP, I achieved Editor in Chief in Club Penguin Armies, which was a big accomplishment for me because it’s not every day that such an opportunity comes around and it’s a role that even Mchappy has held which shows how big the role can be. With that being said, the opportunities that I’ve been given, I’ve been extremely grateful for and I continue to be grateful for.

I am truly honoured and grateful for the opportunity to be your leader/commander alongside Calgocubs and AustinFraud.

I’ve aimed to become a leader ever since joining, it was something that I knew I could accomplish but it is also something that doesn’t just happen in ACP. Not many people were given the opportunity I was by being given 2ic (Field Marshal) upon arrival. I believe I was the second to be given it upon arrival. And now, to be a leader just two months after joining is an accomplishment to me in itself and it’s something that I am honored to be. It’s an opportunity to lead and prove myself as a leader, once more, as I have been doing for so many years. I am a seasoned veteran and yet the best is yet to come. I believe that we are about to see the best, both as an ACP leader and a CPA EIC.

Sticker, Council of Coolguy, Council of Coolguy

So what’s next? Well, upon writing this post ACP had declared on SWAT, and soon after SWAT withdrew from the war. This meant that ACP automatically became victors of the war. Nevertheless, we planned to prove ourselves in every event that we hold and stay prepared for what the future holds. While AA was not to be, that loss does not define us, we have an amazing army and we have another chance to show that once again. We should aim to dominate the Top Tens and future tournaments. This isn’t going to be a lazy triumvirate where only one leader is going to be active, you have 3 dedicated leaders who want the absolute best for the army and everyone in it and you can bet your bottom dollar that each and every one of us will be working hard to achieve our goals. Each of us has different experiences within the community, Calgo is a skilled leader and veteran who has been leading ACP for approximately eight/nine months, he also led CP Guards in OG CPA. You have myself, who is a seasoned veteran, joining the community in 2011/12 and taking a stake in many notable armies such as the Doritos and SWAT. I’ve led armies to their best, won wars, and even won last year’s Halloween tournament and breaking many army records along the way. Finally, of course, you have Austin who is an experienced leader and member of the community, he has enjoyed roles in the leadership of the Secret Service, Elites, and even Fire Warriors, and served as ACP HCOM, not to mention that he is also a veteran who joined the community in OG CP in 2014.

We all come together from different parts of this crazy community and now have ended up in the same place, at the same time, ready to fulfill our destiny as ACP leaders and history makers/record breakers.

Every part of this was proven in World War 9 which took place right after the SWAT war. Whilst this war came to a neutral ending via a mutual treaty, we truly fought with all of our strengths being combined, creating a true force of nature. This was the second war with us at the helm as a triumvirate, meaning that we have had 2 wars against 4 armies within the first 2 weeks, 1 of which was a world war. The world war became the war with the most number of battles in ACP CPPS era history. Not only this, but we also achieved new high maxes for our triumvirate. We truly are just getting started and there’s a lot more to come!

I would like to thank a couple of people who have played a part in ACP and have helped to get me where I am.

Firstly, despite him not leading anymore and despite it being quite a while since he led, I would like to thank Max for always being a welcoming part of ACP in the past and having the time to spare. He was one reason why ACP was a choice for me before I joined so he is, therefore, just one part of the reason why I joined the army. Also, his work for ACP’s Shamrock Bulletin was immense and it is something that we would love to do too but no-one will compare to the amount of work that Max put into the SB. Thanks, Max, for being there and providing a welcoming environment for all.

The second person I’d like to thank is Mchappy, while he also retired from his duties within ACP, he was also a part of my being here, however, I’m sure that he will say differently but let me explain. He has been the heart and soul of ACP for many years and despite him no longer residing in ACP, his legacy is always present because he helped to build each and every foundation of the army, and made the army what it is today which is something we are all grateful for. But also, I get to work alongside Mchappy daily in CPA as an EIC so to be able to talk to him and be able to see how he works and to work alongside him is a pleasure. He always has time for anyone who may need him which is great to see despite his, surely, busy schedule. He may not realize it but even if he doesn’t directly have an impact, he still impacts people around him simply by being himself and working the way he works, remaining an inspiration to many within the community

The third person I’d like to thank is one of the most important ones in my being here and that is Calgocubs, he has been an instrumental person in ACP and always tries his absolute best to carry out each and every objective himself. The motivation and passion that Calgo has is through the roof and both me and him have similar views on many things which helps a lot but we’re never afraid to speak our minds. Also, we’ve had previous history prior to me joining ACP so our friendship was definitely influential in terms of me joining ACP but his support was huge. Both him and Mchappy were supportive and offered to help in any way they could if needed upon my arrival and even before my arrival, Calgo remained a good friend and a great leader. Despite us not always being on the same side, Calgo’s support didn’t waver and he has continued to support me and the rest of ACP. Thank you for being a part of my journey in ACP and being an instrumental part in me joining and of course, helping me to get ACP leader, creating a triumvirate besides both you and Austin. You’ve undeniably done a lot for you and hope I can continue to do the same for you both inside and outside of the army!

Also thank to you each staff, vet, and troop who has been really welcoming. Thank you! I aim to keep fulfilling my duties and to support you in every way that I can. Let’s make this the best generation!


ACP 50th Commander in Chief

One Response

  1. […] their induction as leaders. Austin’s post and be read here. Coolguy’s post can be read here. It’s clear to see that they have big plans for the army. Will we see these plans in effect […]

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