[USA] Last Minute Battle vs. POM

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Unscheduled Event”– Good morning ACP! On Saturday, April 29th our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in BATTLEGROUND for a practice battle with Penguins of Madagascar! We met at Town and shortly after switched to inside of Mines, the first room, then Snow Forts, the 2nd room, finally we arrived at Stadium where it ended. All 32 troops were able to make it to this event, and successful leading from Calgocubs21 and Mads! Through great dedication we were able to pull through. Thank you Mads and Calgocubs21, we appreciate you for leading us!

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Event Tactics Pictures:

Room 1: Inside Mine

Room 2: Snow Forts

Room 3: Stadium

Special shoutout to our loyal troops who attended:

  • [Name]
  • [Name]
  • [Name]

If I missed your name, please message me so I can update the list.

Thank you all for attending today’s USA event! Can’t wait to see you at our next event.

March on troops!


ACP Brigadier General

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