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Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Pizza Federation Revival”– Good evening ACP! Today on Friday, February 24, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground for an invasion of the free land Dominos to revive the Pizza Federation! This awesome event was lead by our own Lieutenant General, AOL!.

Max Size: 20

Max Size Picture:

We logged on and began in the Town, donning the Pizza Federation Uniform (chef’s hat and pizza apron), making some delicious pizzas. Once our invasion started, we moved to the Dojo and opened with a “PIZZABOIS” bomb, quickly moving into an upside down V. After a few emote and big word bubble tactics, we began a waterfall with “PINEAPPLE” (the best pizza topping, in my opinion). Troops then moved into a plus formation, performing more emote flicker and big word bubble tactics. AOL then led everyone in a Z wipe, and our invasion was successful!

We stayed online to continue practicing tactics, moving back to the Town to regroup and reached our max of 20 troops, prompting Calgo to announce that there would be a Nitro giveaway. After a joke bomb and transition into the plus form with more emote and big word bubble tactics, we bombed once again and moved into the anchor form with a beautiful EP/EZ flicker (affectionately known as the Puffle Pizza tactic).

Troops then moved to the Plaza, bombing our home with “PIZZA FEDERATION” and moving into another plus formation. We inquired of Superhero (CPAB Developer) why we couldn’t enter the Pizzaria, the true home of the Pizza Federation, and continued to employ punny word bubble tactics along with emotes. Following a “LEGENDARY” rake, we moved into an upside-down V with more emotes and word bubble tactics, and then tried to break in to the Pizza Parlour.

Our invasion ended, but the fun wasn’t over yet! Calgo hosted a Pizzatron competition, with the winner being First Lieutenant Agalpa. We had so much fun and can’t wait to see everyone at our next event! Huge shoutout to Purple for judging the event!

Event Tactics Pictures:

Room 1: Dojo

Room 2: Town

Room 3: Plaza

Judge’s Ruling:

Thank you Purple once again for judging our invasion!

Agalpa, our Pizzatron Champion:

Some fun photos from Event:

Special shoutout to our loyal troops who attended:

  • Agalpa
  • alu
  • AOLInstantMessenger
  • archiebcfc
  • BlossomBel
  • can
  • cAt_
  • Cubster
  • Kailey310
  • Lirri
  • MaddieCW3
  • Marquis
  • mcdonalds ☆゚.*
  • Mchappy
  • Peteyboy31
  • Rarity808
  • Snowy
  • SuperKlonoa64
  • TaterTrocks
  • !TheYeeter001
  • Zelly
  • Keygater l [Visitor]
  • sip [Visitor]
  • Cabin [NC Ally]

If I missed your name, please message me so I can update the list.

Thank you all for attending today’s USA event! Can’t wait to see you at our next event.

March on troops!


Pronouns: (they/them/their)

ACP Brigadier General

3 Responses



  3. […] Congratulations again to Agalpa for winning our contest! Stay tuned for more fun competitions. To read the full event recap, check out this post. […]

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