The Story of the Remembrance Poppy

Image result for we will remember them poem

Greetings, ACP.  As many of you might have seen Mondo has done a post similar to this which you can find by clicking here however hopefully my post will be able to show to you the story of the remembrance poppy and the meaning of it on armistice day and remembrance Sunday which I believe only Britain has. 

Image result for remembrance day poppy

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Capncook’s Official Return to the Army of Club Penguin

Yes everyone, you read the title correctly. It’s time I do something I should’ve done a long, LONG time ago… Continue reading

UK Tournament Training

Important Posts to Read:


Greetings, ACP. As preparation for our tournament battle on Sunday we logged on for a quick tournament training session on Breeze where we maxed a size of twelve. Our tactics today were decent so hopefully we can transfer that onto Sunday’s battle with Wild Ninjas. Carry on reading for pictures of the event. 

Image result for lest we forget

Lest we forget.

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Veterans Day / Remembrance Day


On this November 11th, 2016, we remember and respect all the fallen soldiers who gave their lives and those who are currently placing their lives on the line to protect their country, its people, and what it stands for. We owe a great deal to these brave soldiers, because without them, we would not be here today. Continue reading