US Recruiting Session


Today we logged on for a quick recruiting session on Ice Berg. Our sizes grew quickly, with the majority of the town looking pretty green, especially when there are no Christmas decorations up yet, surprisingly. We maxed 15 and averaged about 13-14. Not too bad today, but I do expect much more from all of you. Keep in mind that if you do not do your duties, especially as mods, you will face demotion/or firing. The good thing is that it really is easy to uphold your responsibilities in the ACP. I have faith in you all.

Read on for the pictures!

More is expected in the future, and there are many rewards available to those who really work hard. We can do it guys. Keep fighting.

~๖̶̶̶ۣۜᏦᏐᏁᎶ ๖̶̶̶ۣۜᎷᎾᏁᎠᏫ~

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  1. I attended

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