Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Club Penguin Journey has newly released the latest Penguin Style for the month of September. Join us to discover all of the clothing catalog’s hidden secrets.

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, CP Journey, CPJ Clothing Catalog, CPJ Hidden Secrets, CPPS Cheats, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: ACP, Admiral Jacket, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Astro Barrier T-Shirt, Austin, AustinFraud, Background, Binoculars, Black Toque, Blue Life Jacket, Blue Toque, Blue Truck Jacket, Blue Viking Helmet, Blue Water Bottle, Brown Leather Coffs, Calgo, Calgocubs21, Cane, Cat Eye Sunglasses, catalogue secrets, Cheesy Necktie, Clothing, Clothing Catalog Hidden Secrets, clover defenders, clover penguins, clover trooper, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Club Penguin Body Items, Club Penguin Face Item, Club Penguin Feet Item, Club Penguin Hand Items, Club Penguin Head Items, Club Penguin Journey, Club Penguin Journey Cheats, Club Penguin Journey Secrets, Club Penguin Journey September Clothing Catalog, Club Penguin Neck Item, Cold Snap Sandals, Coolguy, CP, CPJ, CPJ Backgrounds, CPJ Body Item, CPJ Catalog, CPJ Cheats, CPJ Clothing Catalog, CPJ CPPS, CPJ Face Item, CPJ Feet Item, CPJ Guide, CPJ GUides, CPJ Hand Item, CPJ Head Item, CPJ Penguin Style, CPJ Secrets, CPJ September 2023, CPJourney, CPJourney Clothing Catalog, CPJourney September 2023, CPPS, CPPS Cheats, CPPS Guide, CPPS Guides, CPPS Tutorials, Curly Mustache, Dazzle Dress, Flower Headress, Gold Viking Helmet, Golf Hat, Green Wheeler, Hawaiian Lei, Ice Cream Cone, Magic Wand, Mask, NCP Clothing Catalog, NCP Hidden Secrets, Onyx Wand, Pedant Necklace, Pineapple Costume, Pink Cowgirl Hat, Pink Duck, Pink Swimsuit, Player Card Backgrounds, Popcorn Tray, Purple Flower Sandals, Red Backpack, Red Mohawk, Red Shirt, Red Viking Helmet, Ring Master Hat, Ring Master Outfit, SB, Secrets, September 2020 Penguin Style, September Penguin Style, Shamrock Bulletin, Snow Kimono, Snow Rose Fan, Snowstorm Gi, Stuffed Bunny, Sunset Background, The Gretel, The Side Swept, The Snow Fall, Tiara, Viking Helmet, Whistle, White Dress Shoes | Leave a comment »