BATTLEGROUND, “USA Division Induction: Ethan” — Good evening ACP! On Wednesday, January 11th, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battlground to formally induct the new USA Division Leader, Ethan and invade the Freeland known as the North Pole. We met up in the Town, then moved to the Beach to practice some tactics, including an anchor formation with some word bubble and emote tactics, followed by emote bombing different corners, and finally a diagonal line with more word bubbles and emotes. To top off the celebration, we moved to Calgo’s igloo to formally induct Ethan as the newest Third in Command to lead our USA Division. Before his formal induction, however, we practiced bombing the igloo with big word bubbles and emotes and did another diagonal line. Shoutout to our Commander in Chief, Calgo, and newest USA Division Leader, Ethan, for leading the event. Thank you to AOL, Hail, BlossomBel, McDonald’s, Ethan, McHappy, and Kailey310 for taking event photos. Thank you to XSPECTREX from the Ice Warriors for judging our event.
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Continue readingFiled under: ACP, Army of CP, Invasion, US Division | Tagged: ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Calgocubs21, clover defenders, clover penguins, clover trooper, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Division Commander, Ethan, Igloo, Induction, Mchappy, Oculus Rift, Steam Deck, USA | 2 Comments »