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[AUSIA] Recruiting on Snow Angel

Greetings ACP!

Tonight the AUSIA division logged onto Snow Angel (3 bar) for some recruitin’. We did an awesome job and got 24 online. Tactics were good but could be better, we got some new recruits as well! 2 medals if you came, here’s the results:



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New Page: Birthdays!

Here there, just a quick notifiacation to all soldiers, there’s a new page dedicated for your birthdays! There’s an easy form which you fill out to get added, and you can check up to see who’s birthday is next! Be sure to use this page to your advantage, wish someone a happy birthday!

Click here to go there!


Commander in Chief

Events of The Week (15-17 August)

Greetings ACP!

After doing a reasonable week last week, we are hoping to make a small comeback into the top 5. This should be something we can successfully achieve with ease. Slime gets back soon, this is our last week to prove our worth!

Friday 15th August


Event type: Mining Exhibition

Times:  Times: 4:30pm UK // 10:30am EST // 10:30am CST // 9:30am MST // 8:30am PST //  12:30am JST // 9:00 pm IST 

Server: TBA

Room: Town



Tactic Session

Server: TBA

Times: 8:00pm UK // 3:00pm EST // 2:00pm CST // 1:00pm MST // 12:00pm PST



Practice Battle against SWAT

Server: Mammoth

Times: 8:00pm EST // 7:00pm CST // 6:00pm MST // 5:00pm PST // 1am UK

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Legends Cup Quarterfinals Results

Greetings ACP. Today I am proud of what we did. Even though we lost, we did great. We gave Ice Warriors a run for their money along with getting great sizes. Pre-battle we were able to get 37 in the town before we moved to the stadium, where we got 25 with 12 lock outs. Great job ACP, keep your head up. Good times await. Members comment if you made it to receive your PROMOTION.

[If you have pictures of the pre-battle, please pc Mike on chat.]

25 in battle room with 12 locked out at forts.

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[AUSIA] Training on Avalanche

Greetings ACP!

On Friday night the AUSIA division logged onto Avalanche for a tactics session, which went reasonably well, reaching sizes of 20. Tactics were awesome and able to maintain normal sizes. Good job ACP, 2 medals if you came and be sure to attend the Legends Cup! Here’s the results:


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[Survey Corps Report]Formations/Tactics session

Hey ACP yesterday we logged onto Mammoth for a Formation/Tactics session.I’m happy to report it went well. We started off getting the tactics on point and we averaged 25. Then at the Ice Berg we practiced bombs and formations. We did an L at first then completed a diagonal line.Well done guys, I must say however, next week will be our week to rise I’ll say that. Sadly, nobody took pics and I was lagging too much to do so. Remember to come to the Legends Cup battle, it’s mandatory!

US Event Times [POLL]

Greetings ACP, with school starting soon, we need to find the time that works with each person’s schedules for US events. I’m looking for the times you can consistently make the events. For US If you can make more than one of the event times listed, choose the time that’s earlier. For UK, I’m just trying to find if ANY of you can make US events, so choose all of the ones you can make. If you have any questions, please PC me on chat, I answer every single pc I get, so don’t be afraid to ask questions.


FOR US ONLY[If you can make more than one time, choose the one that’s earlier in the day]

FOR UK ONLY[Multiple Choice, choose any that you can make regularly]


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[AUSIA] Recruiting on Icicle With A Friend!

Greetings ACP!

Today we had a recruiting session, with a twist! We met an old friend on CP, THINKNOODLES! We had a few awesome tactics then logged off, nice job guys, 2 medals if you came! We were able to get 22 on CP and amazing tactics. Here’s the results:



meet think



Commander in Chief