AUSIA Recruiting Session


Hello ACP, today we logged into Iceberg (a two bar server) and had a little recruiting session and I’d say it went very well we were able to get around 15 on and had good tactics. Iceberg actually went form a two bar server then went up to a 3 when we logged on. I was expecting this but I want 20+ next AUSIA event, we can do it! Carry on reading for more pictures.



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UK Training

Hey, ACP! Today, the UK had a training session on Breeze where we maxed sixteen. Shoutout to Bam who actually attended a UK event :D! Continue reading for pictures provided by I and Bam .

Average: 17

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Events for the week 15th February – 21st February

events for the week

Today’s Events

 ❗ UK Recruiting Session + U-Lead ❗

When: 15th February

Server: TBA


7:30 PM GMT

2:30 PM EST

1:30 PM CST

12:30 PM MST

11:30 pm PST


US Recruiting Session

Server: Snow Angel / Flurry

Goal 20+

8:00 PM EST

7:00 PM CST

6:00 PM MST

5:00 PM PST


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