Tuxedo has fallen

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Practice Battle vs Nachos


Greetings, ACP. Today, a few ACP troops logged on to Tuxedo to invade it from RPF who didn’t show up; I suppose they spend to much time building hate up than checking their enemies’ site everyday especially seeing as our invasion of Tuxedo was in a post which is stickied on site. We maxed seven which isn’t great for us but we can improve on that. Carry on reading for pictures of the event.

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UK Practice Battle with Nachos

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Greetings, ACP! Today we logged on to Fjord for some war training via a practice battle with our allies, Nachos, where we maxed 10 in Town however our size decreased when moving due to people being afk – make sure you’re paying attention to chat in an event and tell an owner if you’re unable to be active in the event. This was good seeing as UK hasn’t been active much since I’ve gone on leave so let’s carry up the good work this week. Make sure to keep reading and comment if you attended this event.

Reminder: Defence of Breeze @21st December 2016 @8pm est/1am gmt


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Awesome Christmas Igloos #1


Considering how it’s now under a month away from Christmas for many of us, as well as the winter season being in full swing, I thought it would be interesting to check out some of the igloos others have created on Club Penguin. In each post, I’ll add pictures of 7 different igloos. This series is also not on a fixed schedule.
Generally speaking, I’ve seen some pretty amazing igloos before, and there’s a lot of winter themed ones that are especially extravagant, some that are just cozy. and some that are just appealing or cool. One thing I’ve always enjoyed and respected about many igloos is that the creators use visual tricks to create certain things. A lot of times I’ve seen people take advantage of the 2-dimensional environment as well as the actual items themselves. By doing this, some really impressive displays come to life.
But don’t simply take my word for it–check it out for yourself! Just to kick it off, I’ve also decided to embed some really beautiful Atmospheric Black Metal that happens to give off a winter feeling.
Thoughts on the music and the pictures in the comments!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

In 1621, in celebration of the Plymouth colonists’ first successful harvest, they invited their Native-American Wampanoag friends to join their three day long festival. It was a time of celebration and socialization. Eating, hunting, and other entertainment took place. This is known as The First Thanksgiving.
To this day, many original influences are evident 395 years later, on this 2016 Thanksgiving Day. Attaining more and more meanings and customs, it evolved into an all out annual tradition, with a highly important concept also being celebrated and recognized—gratitude. Simply being grateful for what you have in life and not acting selfish or greedy defines gratitude suitably. And thus, we should continue to be grateful for what we have and strive to make others do so as well.

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From the Army of Club Penguin to the world,

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Remember to be thankful for what you have. By doing this and helping others along the way, you have contributed to helping make the world a better and brighter place for everyone.

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I would like to take the time to personally give thanks to the United States Armed Forces, the Intelligence Community, Veterans, Law Enforcement, and all former soldiers and officers who have placed their lives on the line for our security and freedom.

Thank you for all you have done, 


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[US]Joint-Event with Kings [Results]

Today we ended up having a really good training event in collaboration with Kings. Prior we ended up having a chat rally starting 30 minutes before log on where we saw chat size of 25+! For the event, early on there were some people experiencing unexpected lag spikes and other issues, but they soon were resolved. Once we commenced steady tactics, it was looking much more solid. We maxed an organized 13 , seeing some improvement in tactics and size overall.
This was a great pre-Thanksgiving chat rally and event, of which I expect to happen more often.  If you guys thought that was fun, wait ’till you see what I have in store.
Read on for pictures! Continue reading

UK Joint training with Golds

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Greetings, ACP. Earlier on today, we had a joint event with the Golds where we logged on Breeze, town with them where we maxed 15 – our tactics need some improvements but that’s probably due to poor communication with Golds when it came to doing tactics. Carry on reading for pictures of the event.

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Cheesy UK battle with Nachos

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Greetings, ACP! Yesterday, we had a practice battle against Nachos where we drew with them; unfortunately I was unable to post this yesterday due to my internet failing however we did max thirteen in this event with some decent tactics – if you’ve pictures from the event make sure to PC them to me so I can add them on. Carry on reading for pictures.

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Veterans Day / Remembrance Day


On this November 11th, 2016, we remember and respect all the fallen soldiers who gave their lives and those who are currently placing their lives on the line to protect their country, its people, and what it stands for. We owe a great deal to these brave soldiers, because without them, we would not be here today. Continue reading

UK U-Lead on Breeze

Important Posts To Read:

UK Invasion of Bubblegum Results

October Promotions

Greetings, ACP. Today the UK division logged on for a U-Lead on Breeze; this event was led by a multitude of mods and members who came up with some pretty sarcastic word tactics as you’ll see below. We maxed eleven in this event, make sure to carry on reading for pictures of the event.


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October 2016 Promotions

Credit to Dmt <3

This month has been one quite literally filled with high and lows however there have been a multitude of troops who have stuck through the lows to see the recent highs of this month – from going to 2nd on SMAC to 3rd on CPAC in a week due to the hard work of soldiers. I hope we carry on to see the success of last week carrying on into November.

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