UK Tactic Session

Important Posts to Read:

Legend Cup VIII Battle Timings

UK Tournament Training

The Weekly Quiz ACP History Edition


Greetings, ACP! Yesterday, the UK division had a short tactic session led on Breeze by Sonic ,who had won last week’s edition of the Weekly Quiz, we maxed ten in the event and averaged nine. Our tactics weren’t great which is something that’ll need to be worked on before Saturday’s tournament battle. Carry on reading for pictures from the event, if you’ve any pictures pc me as I didn’t receive many pictures.

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UK Tournament Training

Important Posts to Read:

The Weekly Quiz ACP History Edition

Official ACP Discord Chat

UK/US Lengthy Tactic Session



Greetings, ACP! Today, the UK division held some tournament training in preparation for our tournament battle on Saturday (vs AR and DCP at 8pm gmt, 3pm est) where we practiced different techniques such as piling and different types of bombs. We maxed ten and averaged nine in this event and had a few decent tactics here and there. Carry on reading for pictures of the event and make sure to comment below if you attended.

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UK/US Tactic Session vs LT

Important Posts to Read:

Official ACP Discord Chat

The Weekly Quiz ACP History Edition

Active Count



Greetings, ACP! Today, we had a fun tactic session which was raided by LT and then by bots (really fun) we maxed ten but averaged nine. We weren’t able to do many tactics thanks to the bombardment of snowballs but it was an alright event overall.

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Joint UK event with AR

Important Posts to Read:

UK Event on Breeze

Awesome Winter Igloos #2

Berry Smoothie

Welcome New Recruits!


Greetings, ACP! Earlier on, today, we had a UK joint event with our brother allies, AR,  where we maxed 11; I wasn’t able to get anymore than two pictures from this event so if you took any pictures from today’s event, make sure to message them to me so I can put them on this post.  Carry on reading for pictures of the event and make sure to comment if you attended.

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UK event on Breeze

Important Posts To Read:

UK Berg Expedition

AUSIA Schedule for this week

Welcome New Recruits


Greetings, ACP! Today, the UK division had an event on Breeze where we maxed eleven on Club Penguin; our tactics were good but not really perfect but nevertheless we did some pretty good tactics. We logged on to Ski Hill which is where we stayed for the rest of the event.

Picture of 11

Picture of 11

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UK Tactic Session On Breeze

Important Posts to Read:

CPA Is Meant For Fun Pt.1

Welcome New Recruits!



‘Ello, ACP!

Today, ACP logged on Breeze, Cove, and maxed 14! We stayed in cove for most of the event except for when we ran to the forest doing jokes. We stayed in a line formation for most of the time until we went to the water and spread out, then piled to then run to the forest. Tactics weren’t the best they could have been but that’s fine. Formation wasn’t as spread out as it could of been but no worries! Alright without further ado, check these pictures out.

Max of 14

Max of 14

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UK/US Training on Breeze

Important Posts to Read:

A message to new recruits

Breakfast Burritos

UK Forest Training Results

Greetings, ACP!  Today, the UK and US division had a combined event on Breeze, Ski Hill, where we maxed thirteen. We stayed in Ski Hill for the whole of the event but practiced some formations such as plus and having two lines going downwards to create more space in order for us to look more organised. Our tactics weren’t brilliant today however for the majority of the event they were at a good enough standard. Carry on reading below for pictures and make sure to comment if you attended. 


Max of 13

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Combined Division Training Session

Important Posts to Read:

CPA is meant for fun pt.1

Unscheduled UK event with a games session

UK U-lead on Breeze

First UK event of the Year


Greetings, ACP! The UK and US division had an unscheduled training session together today where we maxed 11 on Breeze; we started out in Docks before moving to the Ice Berg where we formed a scatter position to do some final tactics. Carry on reading for pictures of the event.


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CPA is meant for fun Pt.1

The Army of Club Penguin have been ignoring RPF since the 31st December and will continue to ignore them into the future. Why? This war lacks the fun it should’ve because of the absence of common rules between the two armies; rules shouldn’t be an issue preventing fair warfare in this community however upon RPF denying to agree to ground rules they’re stopping this war from being fun. CPA is truly meant for fun and constantly abusing, abandoning and twisting the rules destroy this idea of fun.

RPF are free to say whatever they want in response to this post but as an army we’ll be ignoring all hate posts as well as invasions especially seeing as “there’s nobody to enforce the rules anymore” a statement which RPF have been using for most of this war to deem everything their victory.

In case, RPF insulting/ignoring ACP instead of agreeing with ground rules to make this a fair war isn’t enough proof that RPF are taking the fun out of this war then you’ll be delighted to know we’re posting another post full of ways RPF have twisted/broken rules to try and beat us. Not to mention the constant hate posts/insults that have been thrown our way from RPF. If ACP and AR are so weak then you should be able to defeat us fairly, RPF.

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October 2016 Promotions

Credit to Dmt <3

This month has been one quite literally filled with high and lows however there have been a multitude of troops who have stuck through the lows to see the recent highs of this month – from going to 2nd on SMAC to 3rd on CPAC in a week due to the hard work of soldiers. I hope we carry on to see the success of last week carrying on into November.

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