CPA is meant for fun Pt.1

The Army of Club Penguin have been ignoring RPF since the 31st December and will continue to ignore them into the future. Why? This war lacks the fun it should’ve because of the absence of common rules between the two armies; rules shouldn’t be an issue preventing fair warfare in this community however upon RPF denying to agree to ground rules they’re stopping this war from being fun. CPA is truly meant for fun and constantly abusing, abandoning and twisting the rules destroy this idea of fun.

RPF are free to say whatever they want in response to this post but as an army we’ll be ignoring all hate posts as well as invasions especially seeing as “there’s nobody to enforce the rules anymore” a statement which RPF have been using for most of this war to deem everything their victory.

In case, RPF insulting/ignoring ACP instead of agreeing with ground rules to make this a fair war isn’t enough proof that RPF are taking the fun out of this war then you’ll be delighted to know we’re posting another post full of ways RPF have twisted/broken rules to try and beat us. Not to mention the constant hate posts/insults that have been thrown our way from RPF. If ACP and AR are so weak then you should be able to defeat us fairly, RPF.

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Happy New Year 2017!

Well folks, it’s been one heck of a year hasn’t it? Much has happened in this still glorious community in 2016, but we continue to fight onward into the future together. As an army, and as a community—we stand strong. 
With that, we should discard the past year’s failures and strive to make them into achievements. Say goodbye to 2016, and lets bring in the new year with a BANG!


From the Army of Club Penguin to the world,

Image result for fireworks amazing gif new 2017

Let’s make this one for the books!

unofficial seal

ACP Awards 2016

Important Posts to Read:

Defence of Deep Freeze

Cool Club Penguin Christmas Pictures

Happy Holiday season!

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Tuxedo has fallen

Important Posts to Read:

Practice Battle vs Nachos


Greetings, ACP. Today, a few ACP troops logged on to Tuxedo to invade it from RPF who didn’t show up; I suppose they spend to much time building hate up than checking their enemies’ site everyday especially seeing as our invasion of Tuxedo was in a post which is stickied on site. We maxed seven which isn’t great for us but we can improve on that. Carry on reading for pictures of the event.

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Cheesy UK battle with Nachos

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Greetings, ACP! Yesterday, we had a practice battle against Nachos where we drew with them; unfortunately I was unable to post this yesterday due to my internet failing however we did max thirteen in this event with some decent tactics – if you’ve pictures from the event make sure to PC them to me so I can add them on. Carry on reading for pictures.

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[US] Raid of Great White

All of our event results for this week (for whoever does the bio)

AUSIA Training Session

[UK] Successful Invasion of Glacier

UK Quick Tactic Session

AUSIA Unscheduled U-Lead

UK Raid of Teutons’ capital

UK Unscheduled Event on Breeze


Hello ACP, On this lovely night the forces of the great ACP army raided the savages known as Tuetons. This was successful raid where we maxed a sweet 15. Tactics were excellent (although a few could have used improvements) and I believe we all had a rip roaring good time. Carry on for pictures and leave a comments if you were there.

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AUSIA Training Session

Important Posts to Read:

Events for the Week

Invasion of Glacier Results

Greetings, ACP. Earlier on today AUSIA logged on for an unscheduled training on Breeze where we maxed 9 with an average of 8. Our tactics weren’t too shabby but could do with some improvement. Carry on reading for pictures of the event. Continue reading

UK Quick Tactic Session

Important Posts to Read:

AUSIA Unscheduled U-lead Results

Festive Week

Halloween Schedule

UK Raid of Teutons’ Capital Results


Greetings, ACP. Today we logged on for a quick tactic session where we maxed ten.Unfortunately I only have one picture from the event due to my laptop cutting out – if anyone got anymore pictures then please comment them below so I can add them on. Carry on reading for the one lonely picture of the event.

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UK Raid of Teutons’ capital and movie night

Important Posts to Read:

Events for the Week

Hiring Owners


CPA Story Competition

Greetings, ACP. Earlier on today, the UK division logged on to North Pole to raid Teutons’ capital seeing as they felt the need to declare war on the whole of CPA (excluding three armies). We first went to town where we got raided by bots forcing us to move to the light house where we eventually maxed 12. We even had time to watch the Night of the Living Sled in the Lighthouse! Carry on reading for pictures of the event.


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UK Three Way Practice Battle vs Kings and AR Timings

Important Practice Battle Vs Kings and AR


Temp owners and mods if we max more than 15+

When: 22nd October 2016

Server: TBA


7:30 pm GMT

2:30 pm EST

1:30 pm CST

12:30 pm MST

11:30 am PST