[URGENT] Declaration on Templars – The Winter Antioch Campaign New

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

The Army of Club Penguin hereby declares war on the Templars of Club Penguin, titled The Winter Antioch Campaign.

The Templars have looked down upon us repeatedly,

We’re giving you the war you wanted, Billy. Make use of it!

making us look weak,

Context: after a raid, where you couldn’t even max 20

when they constantly look up to another.

We’re not sleeping on this anymore. It is time we extended our call to arms.

War Terms:
1) Allies and visitors are not allowed making this a 1v1 war, unless both armies mutually agree to allow outside involvement.
2) Dual enlistment is not allowed.
3) All CPA map war rules apply.
4) Multilogging, hacking, ddosing, doxxing, botting, or any other means of cheating will not be allowed in this war.
5) Only official CPAJ judges may judge battles in this war.
6) No army is allowed to merge into TCP or ACP following this declaration and will stay in place until the war has concluded. Any merger will be deemed invalid.
7) A withdrawal from this conflict for any reason and in any shape or form (e.g. withdrawing from the CPA league, ghosting battles, etc.) will constitute a forfeit of the war.
8) Failing to show up three battles in a row will constitute a forfeit of the war.
9) All war battles must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance with the CPA league. Failure to do so will result in the invalidation of the scheduling.
10) No loopholes to any of these war terms.
11) Any evidence of any of these war terms being breached will result in an instant defeat of the opposing side in this war and the winning side may impose a treaty. This cannot be invoked unilaterally, however, and is up to the CPA League administration.
12) All battles must occur on CPA Battleground, no other CPPS may be used.
13) All battles must be judged by CPAJ judges. All CPA laws and CPABattleground rules apply to this conflict.
14) The war has a battle cap of 20 battles, the army that has the war score in their favor wins the war. If the results are a tie then a tie breaker battle will decide who is the winner of the war. The winner of the war will be able to impose a forced treaty on the other.
15) Transferring of servers is not allowed until the conclusion of the war. The only exception to this rule is if an army forfeits the war and transfers all of their servers to the opposing side (e.g. if TCP transfers all of their servers to ACP).
16) No army can declare on/invade TCP or ACP for the duration of this conflict.

[AUSIA] Invasion of Caracal’s Curry Stand
Thursday, February 6th
8:00AM EST

[EUSIA] Invasion of Moon’s Mojo Dojo Casa House
Friday, February 7th
11:00AM EST

This is your chance, Templars. PROVE it.

Defend Freedom, Preserve Justice.


Roxy, 52nd Commander in Chief

Daniel, ACP 2ic

Noa, ACP 2ic

Kailey, ACP 2ic

Sanya, ACP 2ic

Fatchicken, ACP 2ic

Amelia, ACP 3ic

Gugspugs, ACP 3ic

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