BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Pleased to welcome you back to our latest Comrade Clash Edition that is different from the other posts done. This week’s Comrade Clash involves the return of the people featured in the column’s first edition, 3 years 7 months, and 15 days after its release. Those people being our very own Field Marshals, seasoned Chkn, and idiot Daniel.
To reiterate their history in Club Penguin Armies, both Daniel and Chkn have been part of ACP for a while. Daniel had traveled through several armies before residing with the Clovers. Chkn on the other hand has been with ACP since joining the army community way back in March of 2020.
To find out how much more they have known and discovered about each other from the last time they had been asked, I conducted an interview on both of them.

If you could spend a day anywhere with each other, where would it be?
Daniel: I would love to spend the evening on the edge of the iceberg, looking away into the sunset while eating some ice cream with my head resting on his shoulder… Seriously though, just change the iceberg with Phoenician ruins and we’re settled.
Chkn: If I could spend a day anywhere with Daniel it would be somewhere historic/archaeologically significant because we both r nerds for those things (him more)
What is one thing you admire the most about each other?
Daniel: His way of seeing things. He never picks a side, and is completely unbiased. When you’re in the wrong, he’ll let you know and that’s what, I think, a true friend does and I look up to him for that.
Chkn: Building off of my last answer, I admire the fact that he has these niche topics he loves. Moreover, something very admirable about dan is his nobility. He is always one to go completely against even his friends if it means that he’s doing what he thinks is right. Many times, dan has put me (or others) in check when we do something thats not right and he would never be worried about going against us.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve gotten from each other?
Daniel: “go lead, b*tch”
Chkn: Not exactly one piece of advice, (and again, building off of my last answer) daniel is constantly providing me directly or indirectly with advice on what the right thing to do is- and this is something i greatly value from him
If you could relive one moment you’ve had together, which would it be and why?
Daniel: I have so many things in my mind but I’d probably go with being mods together. Our journey climbing up the ranks was sooo fun, we did many ACPTR things together under Max, CPR stuff and not only that, this is around the time where we got closer and kaiteadanken started so I have so many fond memories of that time. I should’ve stayed and led with him, sorry bb ♥️
Chkn: there are a lot of moments i’d like to relive with him, so i’m not sure what to pick. i’d probably like to relive the entirety of late 2020- early 2021 coz me and dan had a lot of fun moments then
Such an interesting ride to have witnessed! We can clearly see that Daniel and Chkn still possess their deep friendship upholding trust and tons of laughter. Despite their perky banters and from time to time trolling, their similar passion for history & ACP and strong camaraderie solidify them more as an iconic duo. But who truly knows the other one better? And which two comrades will be the next to step into the spotlight? Stay tuned!
What do YOU think? Which comrade knows the other one better? Let us know in the comment section below!
ACP Major General & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, Comrade Clash | Tagged: ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, CC, Chkn, clover defenders, clover penguins, clover trooper, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, CP, cpa, CPAB, Daniel, fatchkn, Shamrock Bulletin |
@daniel20448 ily