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    March 2024
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[AUSIA] ACP Goes on a Treasure Adventure

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Pirate Treasure Hunt– Good morning ACP! On Tuesday, March 26th, our AUSIA division logged onto Club Penguin Journey in Blizzard for a Pirate Treasure hunt! We first gathered in snow forts, then made our way to the Plaza and Stage, where we discovered the first golden treasure: Golden Viking Helmet and a secret room that has the Magic Phial pin. Afterwards, we headed to the Boiler room through the Underground Pool, where we secured the Golden bunny slippers. We proceeded to the Cove waiting for the golden fish through the binoculars, which gave us our last item the Goldenstache. Lastly, we held a small competition, a treasure hunt, Sebzy claimed first place, followed by Alu in second and Kimo & Lxnked who came in third. We maxed a peak of 30 Clover defenders!

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