[22/12/23] Ding Dong Declaration of War on Elite Guardians

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Capital – Since May of this year, there has been a big problem within the army community. That big problem has been the Elite Guardians. We have tried to eradicate the problem over the past year, fighting them in the Summer Survival War and World War 9. Not to mention destroying them in tournaments. However, the situation has quickly escalated and now it is time to make sure we eradicate them from the community.

Since reviving in May 2023, the Elite Guardians have caused many problems within the community with their ancient beliefs and their attempts to cheat the system. For a long time, they got away with it, that was until we made sure that they were being put into the spotlight with all their flaws. However, this was not enough for them to stop poisoning the community but let’s start from the beginning.

In May 2023, the Elite Guardians revived, shocking the entire community. However, their revival wasn’t as innocent as people may have thought. To boost them with their revival, they partnered with a CPPS, Club Penguin Avalanche, to inflate their numbers. From having the CPPS publicly advertise the army to poaching members of the discord openly and being allowed to do so, it’s clear to see they tried to cheat the system.

These are just 2 examples out of many, however, upon reflection I noticed something much weirder. This “weird” thing included a post that was deleted by Club Penguin Avalanche – perhaps to hide the deals that they had made with EGCP. This was the fact that CPAv made an exclusive code for EGCP to use to obtain and equip their entire uniform. However, this was deleted recently, perhaps after their point deduction a couple of months ago, to hide any trace of the exclusive deals that CPAv were making with EGCP.

So the question on people’s minds here is “If they were doing it in May, then why didn’t CPA do anything about it?!”. That is a good question but maybe we shouldn’t blame CPA here, instead blame the people who actually did the crime and who have continued to do it today.

Now, there may be sceptics who don’t believe the Twitter post is real because you can’t see it. Well, here is a screenshot we gathered from the time where it was online:

So, with that said you’d think that EGCP were pretty set up in CPAv with their feet on the table and a nice drink in their hand. However, this wasn’t everything that EGCP did to inflate their maxes. To further squeeze CPAv for all it has, they had a channel where EGCP event pics were posted, showing everyone that was in the server the army.

“Okay, but CG and Austin, what’s wrong with event pics being posted”. Are other armies getting the same treatment? The answer to that is no. For years, armies have been punished for using CPPS’ and getting their sizes boosted unfairly. However, never has an army had its sizes inflated like EGCP has over the past 7 months. Last year, SWAT used a CPPS for 1 event which told troops/members to do !army swat, therefore seeing rogues switch into the uniform. This event alone got the CPPS canceled (by the community) and SWAT deductions on the top ten. This wasn’t the only time a CPPS has been a problem but even just using another CPPS instead of CPAB saw size point deductions in the past so what EGCP is doing to inflate their sizes goes well beyond all of this.

However, this is still more… Now what else could they possibly have done for them… Well they had the CPPS create a channel which was created to their events announcement channel which saw EGCP events being posted into CPAv so that members would see them and join EGCP or join them in-game

Not only were they advertising the events but, as you can see, they had the code on show for all to see and use. Not only that but they had roles that have since been deleted or hidden under some other name to ping members for EGCP’s events as well as the @everyone ping they had. So with all this in mind, it is clear to see that EGCP was doing everything they could to use CPAv to inflate their sizes. It wasn’t just something that was done without intent, they knew what they were doing. Yet there is still MORE.

EGCP and CPAv made secret deals behind the scenes to give them boosts during their events. One sure deal included an event where EGCP held a card-jitsu tournament. However, this tournament wasn’t just card-jitsu and it wasn’t just advertised in the CPAv server but they planned to have Sensei appear during their event. This “surprise” entrance would give them a massive size boost as CPAv players flocked to see Sensei. So not only were they publicly advertised by CPAv, not only were they partnered with them and allowed to publicly advertise their events but they even made secret deals with CPAv alongside the code for their uniform to try and boost the army even more and get more people enlisted.

When they were deducted points in October for using the CPPS to inflate their sizes, they made a response

They claimed that the tweet was deleted, however, if this was the case then the admins wouldn’t have been able to view it when they were investigating. So, this means that even when addressing the problem, they straight up avoided telling the truth about their partnership so we won’t waste our time talking through their rebuttal. It is most likely that the tweet was deleted only once CPA found out. There is one interesting thing in their post, they stated that they gave out gift cards to those who attended.

So despite the tweets and code being “deleted” the code still works to this day. EGCP has acknowledged that it still works by having a post with all of the active CPAv codes in it. Yet, at the same time, deny that this still exists. HERE is the post in question. Seems like CPAv tried to hide their alliance by deleting or hiding the linked announcement channel for EGCP events but they are still working behind the scenes with EGCP clearly and seem to publicly support EGCP, unless they’re confronted.

Below is a video which shows that the code still works along with a picture showing when the video was recorded.

The code can be seen working so we already know that EGCP and CPAv continue to lie to protect each other. The same can be said about Edu and his use of alts to attend for EGCP despite claiming his affiliation.

With that being said, surely…surely this has to be the end of it… Well, it’s not as there are plenty of screenshots of EGCP guiding CPAv members towards their events in the CPAv discord server itself, alongside CPAv staff allowing it and advertising their events so this is sufficient evidence to show that each and every event that EGCP has held, EGCP has tried to inflate their numbers whether it be through the use of CPAv or through the use of its server and previous events held on CPAv.

Despite all of this lying and cheating, EGCP has continued to poison the community in a much worse way. In our declaration post for the Summer Survival War, we stated that they disrespected ACP, supported DV and their homophobic/transphobic comments as well as the fact they make jokes about a white supremacist group. Unfortunately, they have only gotten worse from here.

During the war with EGCP, they released propaganda…however, this propaganda was very offensive and controversial. One piece in particular compared ACP to the Nazis as it sees nazi propaganda edited to make ACP out to be oppressive nazis which is, by all accounts, wrong. It’s not just morally wrong, it’s just wrong altogether and quite disgusting that they would even do such a thing.

This isn’t the end of them being offensive, however as they have a role in EGCP called Cativos Do Farao Aecio, this role is used to “whip” members who didn’t attend events or did something wrong. This alone sounds wrong as they are referring to their own members as captives and using such language which refers to a time of slavery – making their members the slaves and them the “owners” of said slaves. Which is disgusting.

When a person in EGCP was approached about what was happening there they stated that they felt used and like a slave but they also stated EGCP manipulated children, much like a past army. Despite Edu claiming to be “out” of the army, he clearly still holds a lot of power within it as his name was mentioned as one of the dictators in the army…so much for being unaffiliated Edu 🙁

The above pictures show Edu and others making racist remarks and even a sexist remark with a role to go with it – making sure women have the elite “cleaner” role which aligns with ancient ideals and making fun of those of a different colour. You would think that an army that saw the Dark Vikings outed and driven out of the community for being racist and transphobic would know better but it seems like EGCP truly does not care about anyone.

They have made other comments about our allies, RPF and Templars to further show this. Saying they will partake in a certain activity with TCP, as well as calling RPF drug addicts (crakudo). Considering that this is a children’s game, they have continued to speak words and post comments which are morally wrong. Not only this but they have made many sexist comments regarding women and their roles not only in the community but in the world… The pictures below say enough.

EGCP continues to astound with their shocking and disgusting morals and values… to further this, they threatened a staff member to chase them off of the entire internet. Edu was also involved in the threats on that EGCP staff member along with other EGCP higher-ups. The below pictures show the true character of Edu and EGCP members.

These images were translated from Portuguese so that is why they look odd, however, that doesn’t change what is in these images. EGCP members including Edu sent threats to Seu, one included a picture of a gun which is a clear death threat. Over the years, we’ve seen many things, however, this is something that should never be in CPA, a community for children. These pictures reveal the true landscape of the Guardians and it is truly disgusting and should not be allowed within our community.

Alongside all of this, recently, the Winged Hussars revived and unsurprisingly the Elite Guardians were quick to ally with them and side alongside them. However, WH, from the outside, is seen as EGCP’s right arm as they seem to be like a proxy. Some pictures recently surfaced of the Winged Hussars chats and they included many white-supremacist and nazi-aligned comments. To say their morals and ideals are outdated is an understatement and yet EGCP stood by them, aligning with their ideals.

When the Hussars were assumedly confronted by the problem they made an announcement. However, instead of admitting their wrongdoing and the immoral things that were said, they claimed it needed context and advised people not to send the comments without the context as well. In no context are these comments okay. they tried to make what they said seem normal and fine. They more or less told people who saw the comments to check the context. I’m sure that no context can justify the comments. For clarification, the context truly made the whole “joke” much worse. Referring to these comments as jokes among friends is truly delusional. These “jokes” offend generations, they affect many so can you really continue to say that these are just jokes or out-of-context comments? How can they be loyally supported by EGCP??

We cannot stand idly by any longer while this continues. EGCP have had many changes to change their way and they continue to make disgusting remarks, align with such people, cheat the system, and threaten their own staff members.

War Terms
1) Allies are allowed
2) All CPA map war rules apply regardless of the lack of a map
3) Multilogging, hacking, ddosing, doxxing, botting, or any other means of cheating will not be allowed in this war
4) Only official CPAJ judges may judge battles in this war
5) No army is allowed to merge into EGCP or ACP following this declaration and will stay in place until the war has concluded. Any merger will be deemed invalid.
6) The losing army in this conflict must accept the terms of a treaty imposed by the winning force
7) A withdrawal from this conflict for any reason and in any shape or form (e.g. withdrawing from the CPA league, ghosting battles, etc.) will constitute a forfeit of the war.
8) Ghosting three battles in a row will constitute a forfeit of the war
9) All war battles must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance with the CPA league. Failure to do so will result in the invalidation of the scheduling.
10) No loopholes to any of these war terms.
11) If any terms above are broken, then the army who broke it automatically surrenders this war and the winning side may impose a treaty.
12) All battles must occur on CPA Battleground, no other CPPS may be used

Therefore, the Army of Club Penguin officially declares war on the Elite Guardians

ACP 50th Commanders in Chief AustinFraud and Coolguy

4 Responses

  1. I ag

  2. I agree! This is horrible and we can’t let EGCP get away. It cut off my comment first but I fixed it

  3. I agree too! I never knew EGcP was like this. But they have been nice to me!

  4. […] all four armies declaring war on the Elite Guardians. ACP’s declaration post can be found HERE. Ultimately, the four armies declared for similar reasons, stating that they could not let what […]

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