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CPJourney Cheats: 18th Club Penguin Anniversary Party Guide

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey ACP! The newest CPJourney mini-event, celebrating the 18th Anniversary of Club Penguin, has just released with a party! Read on further to find out all the party has to offer.


Table of Contents


To begin when you go to the play page of CPJourney, you will be greeted with a custom Anniversary Party screen! Hit the start button and login to proceed toward the party.
Note: This Party only lasts today so please collect all the items beforehand as they will not be returning.

18th Year Party Hat

To collect the 18 Year Anniversary Party Hat, head into the Coffee Shop through the Town.

Click on the hats in the box to claim the 18th Anniversary Party Hat. Kindly note that this will only be available for today, therefore you’ll need to act quick!

Below is how the hat looks on your Player Card and in-game:

New Unlock Codes

Unlock Codes for exclusive items has finally been added as a feature in this update. In order to celebrate this occasion, two new codes have been released.

To redeem codes, you need to go to your account settings by clicking on Edit Account in-game on your blue chat bar.

Once you have the Account Settings menu open, click on the Unlock Items button pictured below

Click on Redeem Another Code and then type in the Code: CP18 and hit Unlock

You’ll unlock a Custom 18th Anniversary Lei, Sunglasses, and a CP Pin.

Note that this code will no longer work after today, therefore you’ll need to act quick and use it as soon as possible!

Now repeat the same steps above and type in the code: FREEHOOD

You’ll unlock two new hoodies known as the Green Checkered Hoodie and the UK Hoodie! Note that this code will stay permanently, therefore you can redeem it at anytime.

Click on the exit arrow on the top-right once you have entered both codes and you can resume playing the game!

Party Rooms

A total of 4 rooms have been decorated for this mini-event namely the Welcome Room, Lookout (Above Tour Guide HQ), Town, and Coffee Shop. They can be seen below!

Coming Soon

In a recent announcement in the CPJourney Discord, one of the game devs revealed:

But hold on to your iceberg, dear Penguins, because the excitement doesn’t stop there! While we’ve been cooking the Halloween Party, we’ve been working tirelessly behind the scenes. Brace yourselves for the unveiling of long-awaited mini-games and the promise of even more surprises on the horizon.

Tourdude Mascot Tracker

Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 – 12:00pm Penguin Standard Time
3pm EST | 2pm CST | 1pm MST | 12pm PST | 7pm GMT | 8pm UK

During the party, the mascot Tourdude will be making a single appearance today at 3pm EST. He’ll be roaming through a few different rooms. As such you could be one of the lucky few to get his limited time background and postcard.

Need help knowing when Tourdude is in-game and tracking him down?

Our server has our own active Mascot Tracker running throughout the duration of this Party!

All you need to do is join the Discord linked below and go to our #self-roles channel and select the role CLUB PENGUIN so that you are pinged when he comes online as well as his active location!

Mascot Tracker Discord: https://discord.gg/armyofcp

Tracking Tips

If you do end up in the same room as him. Don’t forget to click on him to bring up his player card. Click on the cardboard box icon at to bottom of his player card to get an exclusive background for your own player card.

You can also track down Tour Dude by using the Users In Room menu from the friends list menu and pressing the middle button on the friends list.

Tour Dude is also giving out rare custom postcards and unfortunately there is no way to claim it other than staying in the same room as him and hoping he chooses to give you one.

Make sure to log on and enjoy the party! Happy mascot hunting!

What do YOU think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

ACP Major General & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

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