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NewCP Cheats: Inside Out Party Guide

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hello ACP! New Club Penguin has released their newest party! Read on below to find out how to experience everything in the party.


Starting the Inside Out Party

When you first log into the party, Gary will inform you that Rockhopper needs your help. His emotions and memories are all messed up. You need to go to the Minderizer 3000, located at the Dock, to enter his mind and help him.

Head to the Dock to get to the Minderizer 3000 and enter inside.

Once inside, Joy will tell you that Rockhopper’s core memories are all scattered in his mind. She’ll give you the Memory Bag to carry the Memory Orbs.

Joy Mission

Joy will then, explain that you need to find the missing Happy Core Memory. She’ll also give you Joy’s Outfit.

Enter through the stairs on the right, under the green arrow to get to the map, or just press the Map icon while in the Minderizer 3000.

Head to Imagination Land, the second option in from the right.

Once you arrive at the island, grab the Happy Core Memory from the top left.

Joy will take you back to the Headquarters, where you will need to put the Core Memory into the center of the room, where the yellow beam is.

Going into the beam will trigger a mini-game where you have to get the core memory back to the memory bank. The game plays like the puzzle game Traffic Jam. You have to move the blocks out of the way to free the core memory, so it can get to the memory bank on the right.

Here’s the Solution:

When you reunite the Core Memory with the Memory Bank, Joy will show you Rockhoppper’s Happy Core Memory. The Happy Part of the party is now complete.

Sadness Mission

After viewing the Core Memory for Happiness, Sadness will tell you that the Sad Core Memory is missing. She will give you the Happy Memory Hand Item and the Sadness Outfit.

Head back to the Map and click on Dream Production all the way on the right.

Collect the Sad Core Memory from the top middle of the room.

Sadness will bring you back to the Headquarters where you will need to insert the Core Memory into the middle of the room.

Once again, you’ll have to insert the Core Memory into the Memory Bank.

Here’s the Solution:

After reuniting the Core Memory with the Memory bank, Sadness will show you Rockhopper’s Sad Core Memory. This completes the Sadness Part of the Party.

Anger Mission:

Once the Sad Core Memory is reunited with the Memory Bank, Anger will tell you the Angry Core Memory is missing. He’ll also, give you Riley’s Hockey Stick and Anger’s Outfit.

Head to the Map and click on Loot Island, the second location in from the left with the treasure chest on it.

Collect the Core Memory from the top right, next to the seat.

Anger will bring you back to the Headquarters where you will need to insert the Core Memory into the middle of the room.

For the third time, insert the Core Memory into the Memory Bank.

Here’s the Solution:

This Core Memory returned to the Memory Bank reveals the Angry Core Memory. The Anger Part of the party is now complete.

Disgust Mission

Next up is Disgust telling you that the Disgust Core Memory is missing. She also, gives you Bing Bong’s Hat and Disgust’s Outfit.

This time, on the Map, head to Food Island, the first island on the left with the green cheese on it.

The Disgust Core Memory is in the Cheese Roof of the Drink Stand on the right. Clicking on it will have Disgust tell you to come back to the Headquarters.

For the 4th time, bring the Core Memory to the beginning of the room to start the mini-game.

Disgust wants you to get this over with and insert the Core Memory into the Memory Bank.

Here’s the Solution:

Once the Core Memory is in the Memory Bank, the Disgust Core Memory is revealed. This marks the end of the Disgust Part of the party.

Fear Mission

The last Core Memory left to find is Fear. Fear gives you Riley’s Helmet and the Fear Outfit when he tells you that you have to look for the Fear Core Memory.

This time, on the Map, head to the Subconscious, the door on the bottom right.

The Fear Core Memory is on the ledge on the top right.

When you collect the Core Memory, Fear sends you back to the Headquarters. There you have to bring it to the middle of the room.

Once brought to the center, the mini-game to bring the Core Memory to the Memory Bank begins.

Here’s the Solution:

Putting the Core Memory into the bank reveals the Fear Core Memory. This completes the Fear Part of the party, as well as all the Core Memories.

Core Memories Finished

After viewing the Fear Core Memory and successfully finding all core memories, Joy will give you the Emotional Background as a reward for finding them.

When you go back outside the Minderizer 3000, Gary will congragulate you for saving Rockhopper.

Rockhopper will give you a few rewards for saving him.

Free Collectable Items

Clicking on the Memory Bag Icon in the top right corner will bring up a screen where you can grab all the items that the feelings give you, in case you missed them.

Bing Bong & Rainbow Unicorn

You can also get the Bing Bong Costume and Rainbow Unicorn Costume, as well as transform into them.

Select the Puffle into Penguin icon on the bottom right of the player card to transform back into a penguin.

Party Exclusive Emotion Emotes

If you click on the emote bar, at the bottom of the list is 5 emotes exclusive to the party. They are all the different emotions you help find the core memories.

Inside Out Party Pin

Click HERE for Our Party Pin Tracker Guide

Gary Mascot Tracker

Throughout the party, the mascot Gary will be making appearances. he’ll be roaming through a few different rooms. He is noticeable with his red username. As such you could be one of the lucky few to get his limited time background.

Need help knowing when Gary is in-game and tracking him down?

Our server has our own active Mascot Tracker running throughout the duration of this Party!

All you need to do is join the Discord linked below and go to our #self-roles channel and select the role CLUB PENGUIN so that you are pinged when he comes online as well as his active location!

Mascot Tracker Discord: https://discord.gg/armyofcp

If you do end up in the same room as him. Don’t forget to click on him to bring up his player card. Click on the cardboard box icon at to bottom of his player card to get an exclusive background for your own player card.

The portal in the background is animated.

Gary is also giving out rare postcards and unfortunately there is no way to claim it other than staying in the same room as him and hoping he chooses to give you one.

Make sure to log on and enjoy the party! Happy mascot hunting!

What do YOU think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

ACP General & Shamrock Bulletin Editor

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