[MAR 2023] Promotions!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin


Here are this month’s promos for March! This past month was quite eventful with our resilience in March Madness! While we don’t have that many promotions this time around do to a lack of comments, we did have plenty of promotions throughout the month! Once again, I’m interested in your feedback on improving this going forward into the coming months. Should we keep this post exclusive to only promotions related to monthly promotions or should we include promotions that occurred throughout the month?  I’d love to see more interaction with our monthly promotion posts going forward, so I hope this helps.  Hopefully, we got everyone!

If I missed you for some reason (it’s bound to happen), please tell me in a comment on this post:

  1. Discord Tag
  2. CPAB Username (Or the one on the ranks)
  3. Current Rank
  4. Activity Level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!)
  5. Why do you believe you deserve a promo?

**BOLD = Promoted**
Italicized = Demoted

Army of Club Penguin Ranks

Red = USA/CA |Blue = UK/EUR || Purple = AUSIA

Commander in Chief

2ic Field Marshal2ic
Coolguy | AustinFraud
AOL | Alucard
 LieutenantGeneral  Lieutenant General  LieutenantGeneral
Mads | Alemax
Major General
McDonalds | Action

Brigadier General

DeeP | Olimad3 | PokeShroom | Sirplus1881

Requires 50 Clovers
Dantsamurai | Hamood | Insanity | JoshACP | Mariantt | Marquis | Obby | SuperK64 | archiebcfc | Caisha | Nyoooooom | cabin | Macex | Poly | stary outer boi | ZerotoGero
First Lieutenant
Requires 40 Clovers
Caramel | cAt_ | Cat7770 | Cedrik | Celestilune | Death | haleyyy | KevinDA1708 | Peteyboy31 | Snowy23340 | TaterTrocks | Tay | Agalpa | disdain_ | Lettucy | Manik | sand eater | tod
Second Lieutenant
Requires 40 Clovers
can | Lirri | yaboidoge | Doctor flower | Yeeter
 Sergeant Major
Requires 40 Clovers
brokensmile | KikiKat | Newton | Maverick | Yoshi | sinister
Master Sergeant
Requires 40 Clovers
bee | HOKAGE | marbletech | Rainczech | Simon | Yyeellooww7 | ZVYPHXBIA | spy | sema | ⚠―Doll―⚠
Staff Sergeant
Requires 40 Clovers
Hightower02 | Not Anna | snow | ZiTo | green is a nice color | LanaBunn9 | Torutu | Destiny | francis | limit | ?Unknown? | ameer | Cape | kira | Noomi | nuub
Requires 40 Clovers
alexkiki1 | Bluevee | BoWMoBuddy | Brandon | Brandon x_x | CsGoat | Ghost | Jabba | Lone9wolf | Mr. Meeseeks | mythphoenix | notHankCraft | sunny | Sunnymon | Vessel | Yvi | legend | Obamium | Pablo8 | R3V4RB | Corbyn | jadeketsu | Leiblue8586 | bigbilly | Cup A Joe | Estir | i0s1f | Jonny1Playz | pigeon | quandaleadeez | Smack | theneev | Victory | Walrus | Zace
You can achieve this rank by creating a Club Penguin Army Battleground account before your first event then attending said event!
💀🥀 | astro | Astro2D | Bre1003 | Cactus-Overlord | Chad | maggie | Honey._.Bee! | ImOnlyHereToDownloadTheGame | JamariusIII | Kaichu | Khushi | | laserpheonix | Meowestthecat | nan | NgLolNg [RD] ES PS | no more mr nice guy | Nosleeptill.mp3 | Woody8700 | Zinnia | Angry_miata2805 | Martiiic | spykam1 | webebord2474 | DaBaby-Fan-999 | Dark_Tripathi | Dean | Flanxiyum | geneysis | kio_cyr| ✨KC✨ | coffees | GaMbory28 | Jard | lavender | MaisMango | Marbilou | mateourra34 | Mid boy | mr pickle | Patricia Bateman | TheGreatAce | Zircon | Zombie, The True Lord.
 Lance Corporal
This will be your rank after you create your own account! To rank up, simply attend your first event!
This will be your rank when you first join the army! To rank up to Lance Corporal, simply make your own Club Penguin Army Battleground account!


CSY, Cubster, Kailey310, Koloway, Mchappy, Robot


Belencita, Rarity

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