Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
Deserve a promotion for your work in February 2023? Please comment below!
Discord Tag:
CPAB Username:
Current Rank:
Activity Level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!):
Why do you deserve a promotion?
Keep those snowballs coming,
ACP 49th Commander in Chief
Filed under: ACP, Promotions | Tagged: 2023, ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Calgocubs21, clover defenders, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, February, Promotions |
Brigadier General
6.5 (need to attend more CPAB events but I feel like I’m pretty active with discord and other mod stuff)
I’ve been helping a lot with getting new troops and getting folks to make CPAB accounts, attend MM, help staff members & HCOM, and welcome new members. I’m so happy I rejoined ACP for real this time and hope that I’ve been able to leave a positive impact and can’t wait to continue to do so!
Discord Tag: Caisha#1337
CPAB Username: Caisha
Current Rank: Corporal
Activity Level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 9, I’m attending basically everything I can!
Why do you deserve a promotion? – I know I’m quite new, but I have shown my dedication and excitement to participate. I chat daily, welcome new members, I have joined every battle in the UK and AUSIA times since I joined. I continue to lift the spirits in chat and I genuinely care very much for the army. I’m eagerly waiting to put all effort in in MM.
Discord Tag: kolo#1772
CPAB Username: Koloway
Current Rank: Advisor
Activity Level – 1
Why do you deserve a promotion? Because I do dammit