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[US] Fusion Voice Changer Pizza Takeover!

ZIPLINE, ‘Pizza Takeover’Hey there ACP! Today, we all logged onto Zipline Town and did a pizza takeover. We first started off of course in our favorite room, the Town, then headed to the Pizza Parlor, then moved into the Stadium and lastly went back to the pizza parlor to play the game, Pizzatron! We did lots of cheesy tactics and formations. Haha, get it, cheesy… And in addition to our fun event, Field General Fusion, decided to make the event even more fun by VC Leading with a Voice Changer. Hope everyone enjoyed there time at the event!

Max Size: 33

Don’t forget to react in #battle-schedule for our big battle against the Water Vikings and comment below if you came!


Master General

4 Responses

  1. I came!

  2. scary voice time

  3. i came

  4. I was there!

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