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Updated ACP Uniform: June 2021

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – With CPR’s newest catalogue comes the newest rendition of the ACP uniform. Read on for our official CPR uniform for June 2021!

*Note* This uniform will be potentially changed/updated again once new items come out in the clothes catalogs that are part of our full uniform!

Step 1: Head on over to https://play.cprewritten.net and log on. If you don’t have an account, you can create one at https://create.cprwritten.net/

Step 2: Using your map, head to the town and enter the Gift Shop on the right hand side

Step 3: Once entered the Gift Shop, click the small book icon in the bottom right corner and the catalog will open. Open to the first page and you’ll get the colours pages

Step 4: Once at the Colours page. click the green colour and hit buy. It will cost 20 coins

Step 5: After buying the green colour, head to the fourth page of the catalog and you will see a stone necklace. Click the bead on the bottom of that necklace and you will find the hidden Green Letterman Jacket (350 coins)

Step 6: Next you have to go all the way to page 15 of the catalog and buy the Black Sunglasses (200 coins)

Step 7: After that, turn the to the next pages (pages 16/17) and buy the Black Hiking Boots (250 coins)

Step 8: Head to page 29 of the Catalog and you will see the dusk clouds, click on the one shown below and buy the Red Viking Helmet (750 coins)

Step 9: Add the items to your penguin! To do this, click your penguin and press the arrow on your player card (right hand side of player card) and then using the up and down arrows provided, scroll through and add each item accordingly

Step 10: You’re suited up and ready for battle! Your uniform should look like the image below

Additonal Note: If you need coins to buy the outfit, you can use codes such as FORBROKEPENGUINS for 10,000 coins. You can also play different minigames such as cart-surfer in the mine or even dig for coins in the mine. This uniform can be altered as you wish but you must always stay green

What do YOU think? Let us know in the comments section below!


ACP Field General & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

3 Responses

  1. Awesome guide!!

  2. Loves it!

  3. pog

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