From The ACP Staff: Why Pride Month Is Important To Us

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In celebration of Pride Month, some of the Shamrock Bulletin and Army of CP staff have come forward to share their personal stories and explain why Pride is so important to them.

Mchappy, ACP Panel of Guardian

Through finding myself, I feel I have been able to be more open to others’ experiences and understanding of things that before I did not care to understand. I have talked about before how this community (CPA) has not always been a welcoming one to people like me. Seeing how openly things such as Pride are celebrated now allows me to really reflect on the journey I have been. However, I recognize my privilege as a white, cis gay man and would encourage everyone to use their voices to speak up for those who face other forms of oppression: specifically trans women of color. Even within the LGBT+ community there can be a lot of exclusion that leads to people feeling completely isolated. CPA has united people of all ages, races, nationality together under one umbrella community and it is arguably one of the most special communities I have been apart of. Remember to treat one another with kindness. “When they go low, we go high.”

Keynikki, Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

As a bisexual girl living in America, I thankfully haven’t experienced much discrimination. I’ve been rejected because of my sexuality, I’ve been told I can’t be trusted, and I’ve had some nasty comments hurled towards me by creeps. I’m out publicly and I’m happy. I’ve been subject to the whole “oh you chose a gender” thing every time I settle with someone – I am still bi no matter who I am with. As a bi girl who is comissioning into the United States Navy, I fear that any discrimination towards me can ruin the career I’ve worked so hard for – I shouldn’t even have to fear this. Pride is just that – being proud of who you are. Not just your sexuality, gender identity, or anything else, but you are proud of you as a person.

You are who you are and you love who you love. You are you, and that itself is enough to be proud of! Pride is so important online. Some people will never get the love and acceptance in the real world that they get online for being diverse. The presence of pride in ACP and every other online community such as ACP has educated people, has empowered people, and has allowed people to grow their own confidence and their tolerance for others. Love who you love and if anyone tries to bring you down, punch them! I love you all! GTFF!

Max, ACP Leader & Shamrock Bulletin Administrator

I think it’s very well known at this point that I identify as LGBTQIA+ – I’ve definitely spoken about it enough times and make no secret of it! But my coming out journey to both myself and to others hasn’t been so easy. For years I believed I was wrong to love those of the same gender, and growing up in a homophobic environment has definitely shaped the person I am today for good and for bad. Pride is so important to me and many others because it highlights our struggle and growth, and can provide a glimmer of hope for those that are struggling with their sexuality and identity.

I am so proud of the welcoming and supportive environment we have created here in the Army of CP. Our small but powerful online community has helped me massively in the past and still does to this day – to be so open and unapologetic about my homosexuality and to still be loved and accepted by everyone is such an amazing feeling. Thank you to everyone in our beautiful army for making it a place of safety and full of love.

Roxy, ACP Moderator

My experience has been interesting since I hadn’t really thought of myself until I started supporting the community. At first I used to think people wouldn’t accept me since I’m not the type to open up easily.. I gradually realized the world is slowly learning and I would find people who would accept me for what I am. Moreover I define myself, so even if people do not accept me, I would still be proud of what I am, and as long as I am proud of myself, nothing else really matters.. Along the way I had hope that I would find people who would support me for who I am, and I wasn’t wrong.

The world is slowly learning and there is nothing I’m really afraid of, tho I might deal with something on my way, it wouldn’t stop me from being me because I’m proud of what I have reached. Pride is really necessary in one’s life as it lets you be yourself, and everyone is unique on their own way. As long as you know what you are, the rest doesn’t matter since you know your place and you know you mean a lot to the world. Being yourself isn’t really a bad choice since it inspires people around you. It could encourage people to not be afraid of showing their true colors. I’m really proud to be in ACP for this reason and I hope the future encourages young members to be comfortable in showing their true colors.

Tasty, ACP Moderator and Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

It has been about 4 years since I realized my true self. I was scared that my family would not accept it well, and that people wouldn’t like me. I kept everything to myself and bottled it up. Turns out keeping stuff in will only make you feel worse. As time went on I slowly realized that everything was going to be ok. I began to tell people through discord and expressing myself in the real world, I became happier and happier. I also figured out, it’s important to know you can be you. Express yourself anyway you want. Everything is going to be ok.

Pride is key to me because it defines you, everyone is unique and it is important you show that to the world. This also goes to online places like ACP. I’m happy to be a part of this loving and amazing community who accepts me for who I am. With the young people in ACP I hope they will become more comfortable with showing their true colors. Over these 4 years I have learned many valuable lessons, but most importantly, It’s okay to be you.

Flen, ACP Moderator

My experience as a member of the LGBTQ+ community has been somewhat different because coming from a country like India, the LGBTQ+ community has always been seen inferior. However, I am happy to say that that’s changing. More proudly, India is changing. As my country becomes more tolerant towards the community, it is my hope that our community will not be referred as a separate sect of the society. Pride for me is being who I am.

It is not limited to being comfortable in my own skin, but about showing people how proud I am to be a part of this community, and showcase the hope and tolerance, we as a community bring to the world. I’m truly happy that ACP empowers its LGBTQ community. Education and tolerance starts from home and then comes to the peers. As ACP becomes a peer group of many young people, my hope is that the upcoming generation will normalise homosexuality even more. The LGBTQ+ community has come really far and we will continue this journey. To many more years of pride!

Tsanami, ACP Moderator

I never questioned my sexuality or orientation much until high school, but after becoming friends with some people who were active members of the LGBT+ club at my school, I started becoming a more active member of the club myself. Through this club and my friends, I learned more about various orientations and identities then found myself identifying best with asexuality. Since then I’ve identified as an asexual but panromantic member of the LGBT+ community, and have had a fairly supportive environment in terms of friends and school.

However, not everyone lives in supportive places and that’s why I believe it’s important for individuals to love themselves and take pride in their identity as much as they can. As a result of my experiences I’ve learned that Pride is important for those who can and want to celebrate. While not everyone chooses to go all out for the sake of Pride, it can be beneficial for people to acknowledge different orientations and identities within the community.

Supportive spaces both online and offline are particularly helpful in this case because while not everyone or everywhere is accepting, there will always be spaces like ACP where individuals can come together to celebrate and support one another. I believe that the hope in doing so is that LGBT+ individuals can help new or questioning members of the community figure out their identity in a safer environment where they can learn to love themselves and their identity.

We are so proud of our LGBT+ staff members for coming forward and so bravely speaking on their personal stories, many of which I am sure will help and inspire others who are struggling with their sexuality right now. Thank you to all of you listed in this post, and if you are struggling, please know there is an amazing community of people just like you here at the ACP, and we will always be here to support you!

What do YOU think? Let us know in the comment section below!


ACP Commander-in-Chief & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

3 Responses

  1. Such beautiful messages, I love you all!

  2. Tolerance and respect are two very important things that we don’t see enough of in this world… Despite this harsh reality, I’m very glad to see that our efforts to encourage & promote those important values marches, and that there are those in our community whom it has helped personally.

    Obviously, this is the 21st century, and no one should have to live in fear because of who they are. It shouldn’t be like that in a civilized society, but it’s a problem that still plagues us. I think it’s important to always remember that ACP always has your back if you’re having an especially difficult time and that we’ll always be here by your side. In ACP, we empower each other and we always support each other.

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